首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Integrated Care >Our Wish for End of Life Care- A collaborative approach to Improving End of Life Care

Our Wish for End of Life Care- A collaborative approach to Improving End of Life Care




Background : Beaumont Hospital has a high level of activity surrounding end-of-life care. The hospital has introduced many initiatives to implement the Quality Standards for End of Life Care in Acute Hospitals. As part of a review, the End of Life Care Committee decided to engage with staff to determine what supports them to deliver good quality end of life care (EoLC), and to identify any additional initiatives required to support staff in this work. Aims & Objectives : To celebrate good practices and improvements in EOLC to date. To share the experience of bereaved relatives with staff members. To understand what supports staff to deliver compassionate person centred end of life care and what are the factors that act as barriers. To inform the EoLC Committee work plan. Methodology : A workshop event was determined to be the most appropriate mechanism to achieve the goals outlined and a number of communication approaches were taken to ensure staff from as many different departments and disciplines as possible attended. A total of 52 staff attended the event representing 11 different occupational groups. The event was designed to facilitate participants to connect with compassion and feeling. It began by showing ‘A Wish’ a short animated video about the End of Life care in Acute hospitals. This was followed by actors presenting dramatised accounts of the real EoLC experiences of six bereaved families. These stories demonstrated the positive impact of the quality improvement initiatives already in place, and highlighted the negative impact of some poor practices. The participants were invited to reflect on their reaction to the material by writing one word on an A4 page. Three questions were posed to the participants. 1).What supports you to deliver compassionate EolC? 2).What factors prevent this from happening? 3). What else could support the delivery of compassionate EoLC? The conversation at each table was facilitated by experienced facilitators. Each group recorded their answers on flip chart paper and the groups were invited to feedback the conversation at their table to the main group. Analysis of the words, flip chart pages and facilitator notes revealed the themes outlined below. Results & Discussion : The Physical Environment: limited availability of single rooms for patients and private spaces impacts on EoLC. The cost of car parking is a problem for families. Resources such as the End of Life Symbol, canvas property bags and resource folders are valued by staff. The Work Environment : Strong role models and appropriate staffing combined with good team work involving all staff grades is essential for good EoLC. Staff Supports : Personal experience and access to specialist knowledge, e.g. Palliative Care, Chaplaincy, Mortuary staff, Social Work and the Bereavement Service supports good EoLC. Education & Training: Staff are empowered by education and training. There is a need for in-depth education on EoLC issues, in addition to the programmes already available. Communication within teams and between staff and patients and their families is essential. There is a need for communication skills training. Patient/ Family Engagement : We need to engage with patients and families about end of life care and seek feedback in a structured way. Conclusions :The event raised awareness of the EoLC programme and provided a rich source of information for the EoLC Committee. The findings endorsed the Hospitals approach to improving the quality of EoLC while also highlighting areas requiring further work. Implications : The information gained, together with the Quality Standards for End of Life Care have informed EoLC Committee work plans.
机译:背景:博蒙特医院(Beaumont Hospital)在临终关怀方面开展了大量活动。医院采取了许多措施来实施《急性医院生命终止护理质量标准》。作为审查的一部分,生命终止护理委员会决定与员工合作,以确定支持他们提供优质生命终止护理(EoLC)的因素,并确定支持员工开展这项工作所需的任何其他措施。目的和目标:庆祝迄今为止的EOLC良好实践和改进。与工作人员分享死者亲属的经历。要了解哪些因素支持员工提供富有同情心的以人为本的生命终结服务,以及哪些因素会成为障碍。告知EoLC委员会工作计划。方法:确定研讨会活动是实现概述目标的最合适机制,并采取了多种沟通方式,以确保尽可能多的不同部门和学科的员工参加。共有52名员工参加了代表11个不同职业群体的活动。该活动旨在帮助参与者与同情心和情感联系在一起。首先,向“愿望”展示了一段简短的动画视频,内容涉及急性医院的临终关怀。随后,演员们对六个丧亲家庭的真实EoLC经历进行了戏剧化描述。这些故事展示了已经实施的质量改进计划的积极影响,并强调了一些不良做法的负面影响。邀请参与者通过在A4页面上写一个单词来思考他们对材料的反应。向参与者提出了三个问题。 1)。什么支持您交付富有同情心的EolC? 2)。什么因素阻止了这种情况的发生? 3)。还有什么可以支持富有同情心的EoLC的交付?经验丰富的主持人为每张桌子上的谈话提供了便利。每个小组将他们的答案记录在活动挂图上,并邀请小组将他们桌上的谈话反馈给主要小组。对单词,活动挂图页面和协助者注释的分析揭示了下面概述的主题。结果与讨论:物理环境:单人病房和私人空间的可用性有限对EoLC产生影响。停车场的费用是家庭的问题。诸如员工生命终结符号,帆布属性袋和资源文件夹之类的资源由员工重视。工作环境:强大的榜样和适当的人员配备以及良好的团队合作精神(涉及所有级别的员工)对于良好的EoLC至关重要。员工支持:个人经验和获得专业知识的渠道,例如姑息治疗,牧师,Mor房工作人员,社会工作和丧亲服务支持良好的EoLC。教育和培训:员工可以通过教育和培训获得授权。除了已经可用的程序之外,还需要对EoLC问题进行深入的教育。团队内部以及员工与患者及其家人之间的沟通至关重要。需要进行沟通技巧培训。病人/家人的参与:我们需要与病人和家人就寿命终止护理进行互动,并以结构化的方式寻求反馈。结论:此次活动提高了人们对EoLC计划的认识,并为EoLC委员会提供了丰富的信息来源。调查结果认可了医院改善EoLC质量的方法,同时强调了需要进一步工作的领域。启示:所获得的信息以及《生命终止护理质量标准》已为EoLC委员会的工作计划提供了信息。



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