首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Population Research >Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey: Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis

Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey: Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis




Starting from the mid-twentieth century, Turkey has experienced a remarkable fertility decline. Total period fertility declined from the level of 6 or 7 to the almost replacement level by 2003. Similarly, in the 1950s onwards internal migration gathered speed and transformed Turkey from a predominantly rural country to a mainly urban one in less than half a century. Fertility and migration were mutually reinforcing processes in Turkey. Considering this relationship, the study aims to compare fertility behaviours of migrants with those of nonmigrants at both origin and destination areas. The data source is the 2003 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey. A nonparametric descriptive survival analysis technique, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, was employed. Kaplan-Meier survival curves of transition to first, second and subsequent births were compared by migration status. Survival curves of second and subsequent births for rural-to-urban and urban-to-rural migrant women are similar to the curves at the place of destination rather than place of origin. This result reveals that adaptation theory, rather than socialization theory, is more explanatory in the case of Turkey. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates showed that rural native and rural-to-rural migrant women experience all the events related with family formation earlier in their life cycle.
机译:从20世纪中叶开始,土耳其的生育率显着下降。到2003年,整个时期的生育率从6或7下降到几乎替代的水平。类似地,在1950年代开始,内部移民加速了发展,并在不到半个世纪的时间里将土耳其从主要的农村国家转变为主要的城市国家。生育率和移徙在土耳其是相辅相成的过程。考虑到这种关系,本研究旨在比较原籍和目的地地区的移民与非移民的生育行为。数据来源是2003年土耳其人口与健康调查。采用非参数描述性生存分析技术,Kaplan-Meier生存分析。通过迁移状态比较了过渡到第一胎,第二胎和后续胎的Kaplan-Meier生存曲线。农村到城市和城市到农村的移民妇女的第二胎及以后的存活曲线与目的地而不是原籍地的曲线相似。这一结果表明,在土耳其的情况下,适应理论而不是社会化理论更具解释性。 Kaplan-Meier生存估计表明,农村的土著妇女和从农村到农村的移徙妇女在其生命周期的早期经历了所有与家庭形成有关的事件。



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