首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Nephrology >A Single-Center 7-Year Experience with End-Stage Renal Disease Care in Nigeria—A Surrogate for the Poor State of ESRD Care in Nigeria and Other Sub-Saharan African Countries: Advocacy for a Global Fund for ESRD Care Program in Sub-Saharan African Countries

A Single-Center 7-Year Experience with End-Stage Renal Disease Care in Nigeria—A Surrogate for the Poor State of ESRD Care in Nigeria and Other Sub-Saharan African Countries: Advocacy for a Global Fund for ESRD Care Program in Sub-Saharan African Countries




Background. A single-center ESRD care experience in a Nigerian teaching hospital is presented as a surrogate case to demonstrate the prevailing ESRD care situation in Nigeria and most SSA countries. Methods. The data of 320 consecutive ESRD patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis treatment during a seven-year period were retrospectively analyzed. Results. Over 80% of the subjects funded dialysis treatments from direct out of pocket payment. The mean duration on dialysis before dropout was 5.2±7.6 weeks, with majority 314 (98.1%) of the patients unable to sustain dialysis above 12 weeks. Total dialysis sessions during the 7-year period was 1476 giving an average weekly dialysis session of 0.013 (0.05 hour/week) per patient per week. One hundred and twenty-eight (40%) patients died within 90 days of entry into dialysis care. Conclusions. ESRD care in this single centre was characterized by gross dialysis inadequacy and case fatality due to the inability to access and afford care. The opportunities for kidney transplantation are also very low. Poverty and the absence of government support for ESRD care are responsible for the poor outcomes. A global focus on ESRD care in SSA countries has thus become imperative.
机译:背景。介绍了尼日利亚教学医院的单中心ESRD护理经验作为替代案例,以说明尼日利亚和大多数SSA国家当前的ESRD护理情况。方法。回顾性分析了七年期间连续320例接受维持性血液透析治疗的ESRD患者的数据。结果。超过80%的受试者通过直接自付费用来资助透析治疗。辍学前透析的平均持续时间为5.2±7.6周,其中大多数314(98.1%)患者无法在12周以上接受透析。 7年期间的总透析时间为1476,每位患者每周平均每周透析时间为0.013(0.05小时/周)。进入透析治疗的90天内有128名(40%)患者死亡。结论。该单一中心的ESRD护理的特点是,由于无法获得和负担得起的护理,透析能力不足,致死率很高。肾脏移植的机会也非常低。贫穷和政府缺乏对ESRD护理的支持是造成不良结果的原因。因此,迫切需要在SSA国家中将注意力集中在ESRD护理上。



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