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The survey of Ways of Reducing Patients’ Length of Stay in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review




Introduction: In recent decades, increasingly crowded emergency departments (ED) cause considerable burden on the world's health care systems. Among the reasons for this bustle is the lengthy stay of patients. Methods: In this study, a systematic review was used, and the required information, with the purpose of focusing on the research question, was retrieved, evaluated, and integrated. Results: The results of analyzing the data of 11 selected papers with the inclusion criteria and keywords specified from 2007 to 2014 in line with the research question suggests that there are various methods to reduce the Emergency Department Length Of Stay (EDLOS) of patients which are summarized in several classes. Equipping and improving of existing facilities in emergency departments, such as triage, observation units, operating and testing rooms, and advanced imaging needed by patients as well as modifying caring processes and adequate staffing are listed as the most important factors affecting the reduced length of stay. Conclusion: Improving existing structures in the emergency department, facilitating the processes of care, and providing adequate staffing are among the factors that significantly cause the reduced EDLOS. The reduced EDLOS, as a result, causes overcrowding to be reduced, the capacity to accept new patients as well as patient and nurses satisfaction to be increased, and also the quality of medical care to be improved.
机译:简介:在最近几十年中,急诊室(ED)越来越拥挤,给世界卫生保健系统带来了沉重负担。造成这种忙碌的原因之一是患者长期待命。方法:在这项研究中,使用了系统的综述,并检索,评估和整合了所需的信息,目的是专注于研究问题。结果:根据研究问题对2007年至2014年入选的11篇论文的入选标准和关键词进行数据分析,结果表明,有多种方法可以减少患者的急诊住院时间(EDLOS)。归纳为几类。急诊科现有设备的配备和改进,例如分诊,观察室,手术室和检查室以及患者所需的高级成像以及修改护理流程和足够的人员配备,被认为是缩短住院时间的最重要因素。 。结论:改善急诊部门的现有结构,简化护理流程并提供足够的人员配置是导致EDLOS降低的重要因素。结果,降低的EDLOS导致人满为患的减少,接待新病人的能力以及病人和护士的满意度增加,并且医疗质量得到改善。



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