首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics >New Find of Six-Spoke Sun Wheels from the Bronze Age in Scandinavia

New Find of Six-Spoke Sun Wheels from the Bronze Age in Scandinavia




Six-spoke Sun wheels have previously been described by us from Mesopotamia, rock-carvings in Sweden and a golden sky dome from Sweden. The division of the Sun wheel into six segments refers to the six double-months of 60 days, and a full annual cycle of 360 days. In this paper we report the findings of a stone carving with 9 six-spoke Sun wheels and two solar eclipses found and depicted in 1840 in Denmark. The spokes in the nine Sun wheels are in N-S, E-W and NW-SE direction. The NW-SE line co-insides with the sunset at summer solstice and sunrise at winter solstice, which is in full agreement with the alignment of the famous stone-ship of Ales Stones in southernmost Sweden. The new stone carving in Denmark provides a confirmation of the deep knowledge in astronomy existing among the Bronze Age people, all from Mesopotamia up the Scandinavia.
机译:以前,我们曾在美索不达米亚描述过六辐太阳轮,在瑞典是在雕刻岩石,在瑞典是在金色的圆顶。将太阳轮分为六个部分是指六个双月的60天,以及完整的360天的年度周期。在本文中,我们报告了1840年在丹麦发现和描绘的带有9个六辐太阳轮和两个日食的石雕的发现。九个太阳轮中的轮辐沿N-S,E-W和NW-SE方向。 NW-SE线与夏至的日落和冬至的日出同时存在,这与瑞典最南端著名的Ales Stones石船的路线完全吻合。丹麦新的石雕技术证实了青铜器时代的人们对天文学的深刻了解,这些知识都来自美索不达米亚和斯堪的纳维亚半岛。



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