首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics >Periodic Orbits in the Photogravitational Restricted Problem When the Primaries Are Triaxial Rigid Bodies

Periodic Orbits in the Photogravitational Restricted Problem When the Primaries Are Triaxial Rigid Bodies




We have studied periodic orbits generated by Lagrangian solutions of the restricted three-body problem when both the primaries are triaxial rigid bodies and source of radiation pressure. We have determined periodic orbits for different values of? (h is energy constant; μ is mass ratio of the two primaries; are parameters of triaxial rigid bodies and are radiation parameters). These orbits have been determined by giving displacements along the tangent and normal at the mobile co-ordinates as defined in our papers (Mittal et al. [1]-[3]). These orbits have been drawn by using the predictor-corrector method. We have also studied the effect of triaxial bodies and source of radiation pressure on the periodic orbits by taking fixed value of μ.
机译:我们研究了由拉格朗日解决方案生成的周期轨道,该拉格朗日解决方案是当三原形都是三轴刚体和辐射压力源时的受限三体问题。我们确定了不同值的周期性轨道? (h是能量常数;μ是两个基元的质量比;是三轴刚体的参数,是辐射参数)。这些轨道是通过在移动坐标上沿切线和法线给出位移确定的(Mittal等人[1]-[3])。这些轨道是通过使用预测器-校正器方法绘制的。我们还通过取固定值μ研究了三轴体和辐射压力源对周期轨道的影响。



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