首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Health Professions >Interprofessional cooperation by midwives in the field of out-of-hospital obstetrical care: an integrative review / Interprofessionelle Kooperation von Hebammen im Handlungsfeld der ambulanten geburtshilflichen Versorgung: ein integratives Review

Interprofessional cooperation by midwives in the field of out-of-hospital obstetrical care: an integrative review / Interprofessionelle Kooperation von Hebammen im Handlungsfeld der ambulanten geburtshilflichen Versorgung: ein integratives Review




The central objective of early prevention in Germany is an improved cooperation between professional groups of the health services and child and youth welfare in interprofessional networks. This objective derives from the realisation that proper care for families with infants can only be achieved if the various groups act in close integration. The ‘Federal Initiative early prevention’ explicitly calls for freelance midwives to be integrated in this context. However, only a few scientific findings on midwives’ cooperation in networks of early prevention have been published to date. This integrative review aims to identify the central themes of interprofessional cooperation of midwives in out-of-hospital obstetrical care from national and international research literature.A systematic search of five research databases for publications between 2005 and 2015 was performed, complemented by a manual search.25 studies were identified describing various contexts where midwives in out-of-hospital obstetrical care cooperate with other professional groups. Four key themes were analysed: contexts of cooperation, benefits of cooperation, facilitating and restrictive factors of cooperation, and competencies of cooperation. The studies show that there is only limited research coverage of the midwives’ perspective regarding interprofessional cooperation. The existing studies examine the cooperation of midwives primarily with health care professionals, and secondarily with professionals in the social services.In order to expand knowledge on the cooperation of freelance midwives in the networks of early prevention, future research should focus on the perspective of midwives regarding cooperation with other professional groups, both in the health care sector and in the field of social services.
机译:在德国,早期预防的主要目标是在跨专业网络中加强卫生服务专业团体与儿童和青年福利之间的合作。该目标源自以下认识,即只有各个群体紧密合作,才能为有婴儿的家庭提供适当的照顾。 “联邦倡议的早期预防”明确要求在这种情况下整合自由助产士。但是,迄今为止,关于助产士在早期预防网络中合作的科学发现只有很少的公开。这项综合性综述旨在从国家和国际研究文献中确定助产士在医院外产科护理领域的专业合作的中心主题.2005年至2015年间对五个研究数据库的出版物进行了系统搜索,并进行了人工搜索.25项研究被确定,描述了医院外产科护理中助产士与其他专业团体合作的各种情况。分析了四个关键主题:合作的背景,合作的好处,合作的便利性和限制性因素以及合作能力。研究表明,关于助产士关于跨行业合作的观点的研究范围有限。现有研究主要考察助产士与医疗保健专业人员的合作,其次与社会服务专业人员进行合作。为了扩大关于自由助产士在早期预防网络中合作的知识,未来的研究应着眼于助产士的观点。与其他专业团体在卫生保健部门和社会服务领域的合作。



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