首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Adverse Childhood Experiences of Urban and Rural Preschool Children in Poverty

Adverse Childhood Experiences of Urban and Rural Preschool Children in Poverty




Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have long-term health consequences. Young children in the southern part of the United States (US) are at greater risk than children in other parts of the US. This study assessed preschool children ACEs using a family-friendly tool, the Family Map (FMI), and compared children living in rural/urban areas while examining the potential moderation of race. The FMI–ACE score was examined as a total and two sub-scores. We found that race did not moderate the FMI–ACE score but that Black children (Cohen’s d = 0.52) and children in urban and large rural areas were at highest risk (Cohen’s d = 0.38). However, the subscale FMI–ACEs parenting risk was moderated by race such as that Black children were less at risk in rural areas than urban (Cohen’s d = 0.62). For FMI–ACEs environmental risk, race moderated risk such that Black children were most at risk in large rural areas but less so in small rural areas (Cohen’s d = 0.21). Hispanic children were most at risk in small rural areas and least in large rural environments. Findings from this study suggest that targeting the most at-risk children for interventions should consider the context including race and location.
机译:不良的儿童经历(ACE)对健康有长期影响。与美国其他地区的儿童相比,美国南部(美国)的幼儿风险更大。这项研究使用家庭友好工具“家庭地图”(Family Map,FMI)评估了学龄前儿童ACE,并比较了农村/城市地区的儿童,同时检查了种族的潜在缓和。 FMI-ACE得分分为总分和两个子得分。我们发现种族并没有降低FMI-ACE得分,但黑人儿童(Cohen d = 0.52)和城市及大农村地区的儿童处于最高风险(Cohen d = 0.38)。但是,FMI–ACEs规模以下的父母育儿风险是由种族控制的,例如,黑人儿童在农村地区的风险要比城市地区低(Cohen d = 0.62)。对于FMI-ACEs的环境风险,种族控制的风险使得黑人儿童在较大的农村地区的风险最高,而在较小的农村地区的风险较小(Cohen d = 0.21)。西班牙裔儿童在小农村地区受威胁最大,而在大农村环境中受威胁最小。这项研究的结果表明,以高危儿童为干预对象时,应考虑环境,包括种族和地点。



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