首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) >Id@rt Experience: A Transnational Blended-learning Project Founded on Visual Culture

Id@rt Experience: A Transnational Blended-learning Project Founded on Visual Culture

机译:Id @ rt经验:基于视觉文化的跨国混合学习项目



This article is the result of interchanging experiences, the Id@rt experience, among artists, educators and students from different countries and contexts that share the concept of identity as a subject matter for the artistic and educational research processes. We followed a methodological framework that combines the visual culture art education, as an approach to make and interpret the visual reality, and the blended-learning, as a tool to transform and improve the learning process. We proposed the Id@rt experience to teacher in training at the Granada University (Spain), and to student of communication and art education course at the Bologna Fine Arts Academy (Italy). The aim of this project is to develop a closer look at contemporary art, promote creativity and foster the social skills promoting new ways of communication and creation. Through this project we propose to create a synergy between the use of traditional art education methods and the new-technologies based-methods (ICT and e-learning). The evaluation results of the Id@rt experience, obtained from our observation together with focus-groups and open-end questionnaires, indicate that the participants increased their creativity and developed their social/communicative competencies, experiencing art and new technology languages and discovering the creative identity of the contemporary artist and of themselves. Projects like Id@rt experience pave the way for a new understanding and teaching of the art education and new interpretations of the contemporary art and the visual culture.
机译:本文是来自不同国家和环境的艺术家,教育者和学生之间交流经验,Id @ rt经验的结果,这些经验,认同和认同是艺术和教育研究过程的主题。我们遵循了一种方法论框架,该框架结合了视觉文化艺术教育(作为制作和解释视觉现实的方法)和混合学习(作为转变和改善学习过程的工具)的方法。我们向西班牙格拉纳达大学的培训老师和意大利博洛尼亚美术学院的传播与艺术教育课程的学生推荐了Id @ rt的经验。该项目的目的是使人们对当代艺术有更深入的了解,促进创造力并培养社交技能,从而促进新的交流和创造方式。通过这个项目,我们建议在传统艺术教育方法的使用和基于新技术的方法(ICT和电子学习)之间建立协同作用。从我们的观察以及焦点小组和开放式问卷调查中获得的Id @ rt经验的评估结果表明,参与者提高了创造力,发展了社交/交流能力,体验了艺术和新技术语言并发现了创意当代艺术家和他们自己的身份。类似Id @ rt经验的项目为对艺术教育的新理解和教学以及对当代艺术和视觉文化的新诠释铺平了道路。



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