首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) >Nursing Students’ Attitudes Toward Simulation Technology in Nursing Education

Nursing Students’ Attitudes Toward Simulation Technology in Nursing Education




This paper investigates the usefulness of simulation technology on nursing edu-cation from the point of view of student themselves. A quantitative descriptive modes of enquiry, the authors attempt to illuminate the attitudes of the Nursing students towards using simulation in nursing education as a dependent variable. Participants were recruited from three nursing grads, covering six semesters. Twenty percent of the whole students in each Course and semester were random-ly selected, the initial sample consisted of 150 students. The student of grad one (141 student) were excluded because they were not used the simulation in their curricula. This study was conducted in a College of Nursing in the University of Mosul during January 2019 to March 2019. KidSIM ATTITUDES questionnaire was used as a tool to evaluate student’s attitudes toward using of simulation technology in Nursing Education. Data management and analysis were per-formed using SPSS 25. Statistical significance was analyzed using analysis of variance and t-tests as appropriate. Significance levels were set at the 1% level using the student t-test. The study finding reveals that most student show their positive attitudes towards using simulation technology in Nursing education (42%-48.9%) expressed about their (agreed-strongly agreed regarding Relevance of Simulation in nursing. This study has found that generally, Mosul Nursing students has positive attitudes towards using simulation in their teaching and training.
机译:本文从学生自身的角度探讨了模拟技术在护理教育中的实用性。作为一种定量的描述性研究模式,作者试图阐明护理学生对于在护理教育中使用模拟作为因变量的态度。参加者来自三个护理专业的毕业生,涵盖六个学期。在每个课程和学期中,有20%的学生是随机选择的,初始样本包括150名学生。一年级的学生(141名学生)被排除在外,因为他们的课程没有使用模拟。该研究于2019年1月至2019年3月在摩苏尔大学护理学院进行。KidSIMATTITUDES问卷被用作评估学生对在护理教育中使用模拟技术的态度的工具。使用SPSS 25进行数据管理和分析。适当地使用方差分析和t检验分析统计显着性。使用学生t检验将显着性水平设置为1%。研究发现表明,大多数学生对在护理教育中使用模拟技术表示出积极的态度(42%-48.9%),他们对模拟在护理中的相关性表示同意(非常同意)。该研究发现,摩苏尔护理专业的学生通常对于在教学和培训中使用模拟具有积极的态度。



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