首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) >Study on the Network-Based English Phonetics Teaching Mode for English-Major Students

Study on the Network-Based English Phonetics Teaching Mode for English-Major Students




With the development of Information Technology, internet is accessible to all, especially to the students. Based on the network, English teaching is changing greatly, which is not simply with textbooks, chalk and blackboard, but with multimedia, various apps and other tools. As to study the network-based English phonetics teaching mode for English-major students, the background of the application, the steps of the network-based teaching mode and the theoretical basis are introduced firstly. By selecting college English-major students of 2017 in Anhui Institute of Information Technology as the object of the teaching experiment, the paper describes the investigation and analyzes the data, which shows that the students learning based on the network have better pronunciation in English than those learning in the traditional mode. Thus, the author suggests that teachers use the network-based teaching mode to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning.



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