首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics >Effect of garlic extract on some serum biochemical parameters and expression of npc1l1, abca1, abcg5 and abcg8 genes in the intestine of hypercholesterolemic mice

Effect of garlic extract on some serum biochemical parameters and expression of npc1l1, abca1, abcg5 and abcg8 genes in the intestine of hypercholesterolemic mice

机译:大蒜提取物对某些血清生化参数和 npc1l1 , abca1 , abcg5 和 abcg8 基因表达的影响高胆固醇血症小鼠肠道



Some compounds in the garlic inhibit cholesterol synthesis, resulting in lowering of serum cholesterol and triglycerides and increase in HDL level. However, the mechanism of this specific effect is not fully understood. In the small intestine, ATP-binding cassette transporters G5, G8 and A1 (ABCG5, ABCG8 and ABCA1), as well as Niemann-Pick C1 like 1 (NPC1L1) protein have important roles in cholesterol metabolism. In this study, we evaluated the beneficial effect of aqueous extract of garlic on lipid profile and also expression of i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"npc1l1/i, i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal"abca1/i, i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"abcg5/i and i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"abcg8/i genes in the intestine of N-Marry mice fed a high cholesterol diet as a possible mechanism of garlic effect. Twenty-four mice were randomly divided into three groups: Group 1: hypercholesterolmic (received chow + 2% cholesterol + 0.5% cholic acid); Group 2: garlic (received chow + 4% (w/w) garlic extract + 2% cholesterol + 0.5% cholic acid); and Group 3: received chow only. After one month, mice were anesthetized and blood was collected from their heart. The jejunum was removed, washed with PBS and entrocytes were scraped and used for the experiments. Serum lipids were measured enzymatically and expression of mRNA levels for the above-mentioned proteins was determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Garlic extract significantly reduced serum lipids (ip/i0.05), compared with the hypercholesterolemic group. Expression of the intestinal inpc1l1/i was significantly decreased (ip/i0.01) in the garlic group, compared with the chow group, while iabcg5/i (ip/i0.01), iabcg8 /i(ip/i0.01)i /iandi abca1/i (ip/i0.05) expressions were significantly increased. In conclusion, this study reveals a possible mechanism for the beneficial effects of the garlic in lowering serum lipids by decreasing the intestinal lipid absorption and increasing excretion of cholesterol back into the intestinal lumen." xml:lang="en_US
机译:某些化合物大蒜抑制胆固醇合成,导致血清降低胆固醇和甘油三酸酯并增加HDL水平。但是,机制尚未完全了解这种特定效果。在小肠里ATP结合盒转运蛋白G5,G8和A1(ABCG5,ABCG8和ABCA1),如以及Niemann-Pick C1 like 1(NPC1L1)蛋白在胆固醇代谢。在这项研究中,我们评估了大蒜水提取物对脂质的影响以及 npc1l1 abca1 abcg5 abcg8 N-Marry肠中的基因喂高胆固醇饮食的老鼠可能是大蒜作用的可能机制。24只小鼠随机分为三组:第1组:高胆固醇血症(已接受食物+ 2%胆固醇+ 0.5%胆酸);组2:大蒜(收成的食物+ 4%(w / w)大蒜提取物+ 2%胆固醇+ 0.5%胆酸);第三组:仅收到食物。一个月后,小鼠麻醉并从他们的心脏收集血液。空肠被移除,用PBS洗涤,刮下肠细胞并用于实验。血清用酶法测定血脂,并测定其mRNA水平的表达。通过半定量RT-PCR确定上述蛋白质。大蒜提取物与血脂相比,血脂显着降低( p <0.05)高胆固醇血症组。肠道 npc1l1 的表达为与大蒜相比,大蒜组显着降低( p <0.01)食物组,而 abcg5 ( p <0.01), abcg8 ( p <0.01)和 abca1 ( p <0.05)表达显着增加。总之,这项研究揭示了可能的机制大蒜在降低血脂方面的有益作用肠道脂质吸收并增加胆固醇排泄回肠腔。” xml:lang =“ zh_CN



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