首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Evaluation of the effect of magnesium sulphate vs. clonidine as adjunct to epidural bupivacaine

Evaluation of the effect of magnesium sulphate vs. clonidine as adjunct to epidural bupivacaine




For treatment of intra and postoperative pain, no drug has yet been identified that specifically inhibits nociception without associated side effects. Magnesium has antinociceptive effects in animal and human models of pain. The current prospective randomised double-blind study was undertaken to establish the effect of addition of magnesium or clonidine, as adjuvant, to epidural bupivacaine in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries. A total of 90 American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) grade I and II patients undergoing lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries were enrolled to receive either magnesium sulphate (Group B) or clonidine (Group C) along with epidural bupivacaine for surgical anaesthesia. All patients received 19 ml of epidural bupivacaine 0.5% along with 50 mg magnesium in group B, 150 mcg clonidine in Group C, whereas in control group (Group A), patients received same volume of normal saline. Onset time, heart rate, blood pressure, duration of analgesia, pain assessment by visual analogue score (VAS) and adverse effects were recorded. Onset of anaesthesia was rapid in magnesium group (Group B). In group C there was prolongation of duration of anaesthesia and sedation with lower VAS score, but the incidence of shivering was higher. The groups were similar with respect to haemodynamic variables, nausea and vomiting. The current study establishes magnesium sulphate as a predictable and safe adjunct to epidural bupivacaine for rapid onset of anaesthesia and clonidine for prolonged duration of anaesthesia with sedation.Keywords: Bupivacaine, clonidine, epidural anaesthesia, magnesium sulphate
机译:对于治疗术中和术后疼痛,尚未发现能特异性抑制伤害感受且无相关副作用的药物。镁在动物和人类疼痛模型中具有镇痛作用。目前正在进行一项前瞻性随机双盲研究,以确定在下腹部和下肢手术中向硬膜外布比卡因中添加镁或可乐定作为佐剂的效果。共有90名接受下腹部和下肢手术的美国麻醉学会(ASA)的I级和II级患者接受了硫酸镁(B组)或可乐定(C组)以及硬膜外布比卡因的手术麻醉。所有患者在B组中均接受19 ml 0.5%硬膜外布比卡因以及50 mg镁,在C组中接受150 mcg可乐定,而在对照组(A组)中,患者接受相同体积的生理盐水。记录发作时间,心率,血压,镇痛时间,通过视觉模拟评分(VAS)进行的疼痛评估以及不良反应。镁组(B组)麻醉开始迅速。 C组麻醉和镇静时间延长,VAS评分较低,但发抖的发生率较高。这些组在血液动力学变量,恶心和呕吐方面相似。目前的研究建立了硫酸镁作为硬膜外布比卡因的一种可预测且安全的辅助药物,用于麻醉的快速起效和可乐定在麻醉后的长时间麻醉中的应用。



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