首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Assessment of patient satisfaction with acute pain management service: Monitoring quality of care in clinical setting

Assessment of patient satisfaction with acute pain management service: Monitoring quality of care in clinical setting




Background and Aims: Assessment of patient satisfaction is an important tool for monitoring the quality of care in hospitals. The aim of this survey was to develop a reliable tool to assess patient satisfaction with acute pain management service (APMS) and identify variables affecting this so that care can be improved. Methods: A questionnaire was developed and administered to patients after being discharged from APMS care by an unbiased person. Data collected from record included patient demographics, surgical procedure, analgesic modality, co-analgesics and dynamic and static pain scores. Questions included pain expected and pain experienced, APMS response time, quality of pain relief with treatment, professionalism of APMS team, overall experience of pain relief and choosing/suggesting same modality for themselves/family/friends again. Five-point Likert scale was used for most of the options. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 19. Results: Frequency and percentages were computed for qualitative observation and presented on pie chart and histogram. Seventy-one per cent patients expected severe pain while 43% actually experienced it. About 79.4% would choose same analgesia modality in future for self/family/friends. Ninety-nine per cent found APMS staff courteous and professional. About 89% rated their experience of pain management as excellent to very good. Conclusion: The survey of patients' satisfaction to monitor the quality of care provided by APMS provided positive inputs on its role. This also helps to identify areas requiring improvement in care and as a tool to gauge the quality of care.
机译:背景与目的:对患者满意度的评估是监测医院护理质量的重要工具。这项调查的目的是开发一种可靠的工具来评估患者对急性疼痛管理服务(APMS)的满意度,并确定影响其的变量,以便改善护理。方法:制定一份问卷,并由无偏见的人从APMS护理中出院后对其进行管理。从记录中收集的数据包括患者人口统计学,外科手术过程,止痛方式,联合止痛以及动态和静态疼痛评分。问题包括预期的疼痛和经历的疼痛,APMS的响应时间,治疗后疼痛缓解的质量,APMS团队的专业水平,疼痛缓解的总体经验以及再次为自己/家人/朋友选择/建议相同的治疗方式。五点李克特量表用于大多数选项。使用SPSS 19进行统计分析。结果:计算频率和百分比以进行定性观察,并显示在饼图和直方图中。 71%的患者预计会出现严重疼痛,而43%的患者实际经历过疼痛。大约79.4%的人将来会为自己/家人/朋友选择相同的镇痛方法。百分之九十九的人认为APMS的工作人员彬彬有礼且专业。大约89%的人将他们的疼痛管理经验评为“非常好”。结论:为监测APMS提供的护理质量而进行的患者满意度调查为该服务的作用提供了积极的投入。这也有助于确定需要改善护理的领域,并作为衡量护理质量的工具。



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