首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity >Maternal feeding behaviour and young children's dietary quality: A cross-sectional study of socially disadvantaged mothers of two-year old children using the Theory of Planned Behaviour

Maternal feeding behaviour and young children's dietary quality: A cross-sectional study of socially disadvantaged mothers of two-year old children using the Theory of Planned Behaviour




Background Having breakfast, eating food 'cooked from scratch' and eating together as a family have health and psychosocial benefits for young children. This study investigates how these parentally determined behaviours relate to children's dietary quality and uses a psychological model, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), to investigate socio-cognitive predictors of these behaviours in socially disadvantaged mothers of young children in Scotland. Method Three hundred mothers of children aged 2 years (from 372 invited to participate, 81% response rate), recruited via General Practitioners, took part in home-based semi-structured interviews in a cross-sectional survey of maternal psychological factors related to their children's dietary quality. Regression analyses examined statistical predictors of maternal intentions and feeding behaviours. Results Mothers of children with poorer quality diets were less likely than others to provide breakfast every day, cook from 'scratch' and provide 'proper sit-down meals'. TPB socio-cognitive factors (intentions, perceived behavioural control) significantly predicted these three behaviours, and attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioural control significantly predicted mothers' intentions, with medium to large effect sizes. Conclusions Interventions to improve young children's dietary health could benefit from a focus on modifying maternal motivations and attitudes in attempts to improve feeding behaviours.
机译:背景技术早餐,吃从零开始做的食物以及全家一起吃饭对幼儿有健康和心理上的好处。这项研究调查了这些父母决定的行为与儿童的饮食质量之间的关系,并使用一种心理模型-计划行为理论(TPB),对苏格兰社会上处于不利地位的年轻母亲的行为进行了社会认知预测。方法通过全科医生招募的300名年龄在2岁以下的儿童母亲(从372名受邀者中,有81%的回应率)参加了家庭半结构化访谈,以横断面调查与他们的母亲相关的心理因素儿童的饮食质量。回归分析检查了孕产妇意图和喂养行为的统计预测因素。结果饮食质量较差的孩子的母亲每天提供早餐,从零开始做饭和提供“适当的坐着餐”的可能性要比其他人低。 TPB的社会认知因素(意图,感知的行为控制)显着预测了这三种行为,态度,规范和感知的行为控制显着预测了母亲的意图,影响程度为中到大。结论改善婴幼儿饮食健康的干预措施可受益于侧重于改变母亲的动机和态度以改善喂养行为。



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