首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biological Research >Assessing composition and diversity of woody vegetation in mined arid and semi arid lands of Kerio valley, Kenya

Assessing composition and diversity of woody vegetation in mined arid and semi arid lands of Kerio valley, Kenya




The woody vegetation in semi-arid area is important in providing ecosystem services and goods. However, it faces threats manifested in land-use changes such as mining. This study aimed at assessing the composition and diversity of woody vegetation as well as inherent soil physico-chemical parameters in a previously mined area and comparing it with a semi-pristine adjacent area. Six transects containing five plots each were established within two blocks separated by a river. In each plot, data was collected on woody tree growth characteristics and soil parameters. Thirteen woody species were recorded in the rehabilitated mined and twenty two in semi-pristine sites with Ficus sycomorus L Moraceae being the dominant species at the two sites. Woody vegetation diversity was higher in semi-pristine site than in the rehabilitated mined site. However, this was not significant (t-test, =D.F=1 P=0.767). Mean soil nutrients (F 2 , 7 . = P=0.821), pH (F 2 , 7 . =109.88, P=xxx), was higher in rehabilitated mined sites while mean soil temperature (F 2 , 7 . =9.08, P=0.011) was higher in mined areas. Rehabilitating mined sites can bring back species diversity, composition, however what is not clear is whether ecosystem functions are restored.
机译:半干旱地区的木本植被对于提供生态系统服务和商品非常重要。但是,它面临着土地利用变化(例如采矿)中表现出的威胁。这项研究旨在评估先前开采地区的木质植被的组成和多样性以及固有的土壤理化参数,并将其与半原始的邻近地区进行比较。在由河隔开的两个街区中建立了六个包含五个地块的样带。在每个样地中,收集了有关木本植物生长特性和土壤参数的数据。在恢复的矿山中记录了13种木本物种,在半原始站点记录了22种木本物种,其中两个站点的主要树种是榕树(Ficus sycomorus L Moraceae)。半原始地点的木本植物多样性高于恢复后的采矿地点。但是,这并不重要(t检验,= D.F = 1 P = 0.767)。恢复矿区的土壤平均养分(F 2,7。= P = 0.821),pH(F 2,7。= 109.88,P = xxx)较高,而平均土壤温度(F 2,7。= 9.08,P = 0.011)在雷区较高。修复雷区可以恢复物种的多样性,组成,但是还不清楚生态系统功能是否得到恢复。



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