首页> 外文期刊>International Gramsci Journal >Introduction to the 2013 Gramsci Summer School / Introduzione alla Gramsci Summer School (2013)

Introduction to the 2013 Gramsci Summer School / Introduzione alla Gramsci Summer School (2013)




In the spirit of the “Gramsci Workshop” - Introducing the workshop entitled For Gramsci means in the first place to put it in the context of the International Summer School beginning in 2014: as had emerged from the preliminary discussions, the Summer School at Ghilarza (the Gramsci Summer School – hereafter the GSS) is a point of contact, an interface, but above all a field of interaction and reciprocal enrichment between the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci (Rome) and the International Gramsci Society, thanks to the collaboration of the Antonio Gramsci House Museum in Ghilarza and of the other Gramsci associations, not forgetting the essential contribution of the Fondazione Banca di Sardegna.
机译:本着“葛兰西讲习班”的精神-引入名为“葛兰西讲习班”的讲习班首先将其放在2014年国际暑期学校的背景下:正如在初步讨论中得出的那样,吉拉尔扎暑期学校(格拉姆西暑期学校(以下简称GSS)是联系点,界面,但最重要的是,由于安东尼奥·格拉姆西(Antonio Gramsci)的合作,Fondazione Istituto Gramsci(罗马)和国际格拉姆西学会之间的互动和互惠领域吉拉尔扎和其他葛兰西协会的众议院博物馆,不要忘了撒丁那银行基金会的重要贡献。



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