首页> 外文期刊>Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao >Hermenêutica e narrativa: a experiência de m?es de crian?as com epidermólise bolhosa congênita

Hermenêutica e narrativa: a experiência de m?es de crian?as com epidermólise bolhosa congênita




The paper analyses the narrative of three mothers of children affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), adopting an approach inspired by the phenomenological hermeneutics of P. Ricoeur. Epidermolysis Bullosa is a severe and rare disease affecting mostly the skin and mucosae, producing deep skin troubles and suffering to the children affected and the family members involved in caring for him or her. Experience of suffering, stigma, fear of contagion, relation with health professionals, particularly medical doctors, care practices, are some of the issues that have been considered in the paper. The exchange of experiences promoted by social networks can improve the quality of life of EB patients as well as providing social support to family members. Moreover, the improvement of this movement can stimulate health professionals and health managers to adopt more effective and equitable public policies.
机译:本文采用了受P. Ricoeur现象学诠释学启发的方法,分析了受表皮松解症(EB)影响的三名儿童母亲的叙述。表皮松解性大疱性皮肤病是一种严重且罕见的疾病,主要影响皮肤和粘膜,造成深层皮肤疾病,并给受影响的儿童以及参与照顾他或她的家庭成员造成痛苦。经历过的苦难,污名,对传染的恐惧,与卫生专业人员(特别是医生)的关系,护理习惯是本文考虑的一些问题。社交网络促进的经验交流可以改善EB患者的生活质量,并为家庭成员提供社会支持。此外,这一运动的改进可以刺激卫生专业人员和卫生管理人员采取更有效和公平的公共政策。



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