首页> 外文期刊>Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao >Fenomenologia heideggeriana como referencial para estudos sobre forma??o em saúde

Fenomenologia heideggeriana como referencial para estudos sobre forma??o em saúde




This essay reflects on the possibilities of Heidegger's phenomenology as a reference in the analysis of health education. In "Being and Time", Heidegger advocates the investigation of the meaning of the being, which is crucial for man's understanding of himself as a mortal being. Heidegger's ideas have caused transformations in the modern humanist conception and in education practice. The individual is always an actor as he/she exists, experimenting with him/herself within existence. The way of being that deprives of health, suffering, always comes along with a limitation of the possibility of living. Thus, Heidegger's phenomenology helps us question health education. We understand that man is always in co-presence, between substitutive preoccupation and liberating preoccupation. This path proves to be possible when different ways of being-professor and being-student are considered. Therefore, Heidegger's thought enables to deepen the teaching-learning that takes place in health education.



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