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Design in a changing world: MacDonald Gill’s large-scale decorative North Atlantic Map in the Queen Mary’s 1st class dining saloon, 1936

机译:瞬息万变的世界中的设计:麦克唐纳·吉尔(MacDonald Gill)的大型装饰性北大西洋地图,建于1936年玛丽女王一等舱餐厅中



British architect, commercial artist, mural painter, and lettering designer MacDonald Gill (1884-1947) is regarded as one of the leading British graphic designers of the early 20th century but, after a period of comparative neglect, has re-emerged a century later as a major figure in British graphic design history. Well known to many millions of viewers in the earlier decades of the 20th century, his visually sumptuous and striking poster work was widely experienced in Britain through his Wonderground Map of London Town (1914) [Figure 1], an above the surface pictorial map covering the geographical spread of the London Underground system. Other MacDonald Gill work was known all around the world through posters and other publicity for Britain’s Empire Marketing Board (EMB, 1926-1933) and other state organisations; at its height, the British Empire covered about 25% of the world’s land surface. He was also widely commissioned for mural paintings including the imposing large-scale pictorial map of the North Atlantic for the First Class Dining Room of the celebrated Cunard Ocean transatlantic ocean liner, the RMS Queen Mary, whose maiden voyage took place in 1936. It is this large-scale visualisation of the North Atlantic Map of the sea voyage between the two capital cities of London and New York, epitomising what were in essence seen as representative of the old and the new worlds, that provides the major focus of this article.
机译:英国建筑师,商业艺术家,壁画画家和刻字设计师MacDonald Gill(1884-1947)被认为是20世纪初期英国领先的平面设计师之一,但在经历了一段时间的相对忽视之后,又在一个世纪后重新出现。作为英国平面设计史上的重要人物。在20世纪初期的几十年间,成千上万的观众为他所熟知,他在视觉上华丽而引人注目的海报作品通过他在伦敦市的Wonderground Map(1914年)[图1]在英国得到了广泛的体验,图上覆盖了地面图片伦敦地铁系统的地理分布。麦当劳·吉尔(MacDonald Gill)的其他作品在世界范围内广为人知,其中包括英国帝国营销委员会(EMB,1926-1933)和其他国家组织的海报和其他宣传活动。大英帝国在鼎盛时期覆盖了全球约25%的陆地。他还被广泛委托进行壁画绘画,包括为著名的丘纳德海洋公司(Cunard Ocean)跨大西洋远洋客轮RMS玛丽皇后号(Prince Mary)的头等舱餐厅绘制的北大西洋大型图画图,该船首航于1936年。伦敦和纽约两个首府城市之间海上航行的北大西洋地图的大规模可视化,概括了实质上被视为旧世界和新世界代表的内容,这是本文的重点。



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