首页> 外文期刊>InfoDesign : Brazilian Journal of Information Design = Brazilian Journal of Information Design >LA CAPA DE PAPEL: como roubar a aten??o do observador em manuais instrucionais para educa??o em saúde | “LA CAPA DE PAPEL”: how to raise the reader's attention in instructional manuals for health education

LA CAPA DE PAPEL: como roubar a aten??o do observador em manuais instrucionais para educa??o em saúde | “LA CAPA DE PAPEL”: how to raise the reader's attention in instructional manuals for health education

机译:LA CAPA DE PAPEL:如何在健康教育指导手册中引起观察者的注意| “ LA CAPA DE PAPEL”:如何在健康教育指导手册中引起读者的注意



“La capa de papel” conta a história das capas de alguns materiais gráficos instrucionais de saúde, que embora sejam importantes artefatos comunicacionais, apresentam problemas de legibilidade, usabilidade, layout e conteúdo. Foram coletadas 17 capas de manuais disponibilizadas por fabricantes de próteses auditivas (7 digitais,10 impressas), analisadas de acordo com o tamanho, tipo de suporte, personaliza??o, dispositivos por manual, foco e tipo de imagem. Resultados demonstraram que nenhuma capa exibiu elementos que remetam personaliza??o e os tamanhos finais s?o menores que o recomendado. Nos impressos, problemas no tipo de papel foram diagnosticados (n=4). Treze manuais contemplaram mais que um dispositivo. A maioria (n=12) exibiu imagens figurativas, das quais 10 focaram nos dispositivos. Sugere-se aumentar o tamanho dos materiais, incluir elementos para personaliza??o e apresentar um manual por modelo. Portanto, cabe ao designer aprimorar estes materiais sob o ponto de vista gráfico-informacional para promover empatia, intera??o e atrair o leitor. *** “La capa de papel” tells the story of the covers of some medical device manuals that are important communication means but present reading, usability, layout and content problems. Seventeen covers of hearing aid manuals made by manufacturers (7 digital, 10 printed) were collected and analyzed according to size, support type, personalization, number of devices per manual, focus and image type. Results showed that none of the covers exhibited personalization-related elements and final sizes are smaller than recommended. For printed manuals, paper type problems were detected (n = 4). Thirteen manuals contemplated more than one device. The majority (n = 12) exhibited figurative images, of which 10 focused on the devices. Authors suggest increasing the size of the materials, including personalization elements and providing one manual per model. It’s up to the designer the improvement of these materials from a graphic and informational point of view, in order to promote empathy, interaction and getting the reader’s attention.
机译:“ La capa de papel”讲述了一些健康指导图形材料的封面故事,这些材料虽然是重要的交流文物,但仍存在易读性,可用性,布局和内容方面的问题。收集了助听器制造商提供的17份手册封面(7份数字,10份印刷),并根据尺寸,支持类型,个性化,使用手册的设备,焦点和图像类型进行了分析。结果表明,没有封面展示涉及个性化的元素,并且最终尺寸小于建议的尺寸。在印刷中,诊断出纸张类型问题(n = 4)。十三本手册涵盖了不止一种设备。大多数(n = 12)展示了具象的图像,其中有10个聚焦于设备。建议增加材料的尺寸,包括个性化元素,并按模型展示手册。因此,设计师必须从信息和图形的角度来改进这些材料,以促进同理心,互动并吸引读者。 ***“ La capa de papel”讲述了一些医疗设备手册的封面故事,这些手册是重要的交流手段,但会出现阅读,可用性,布局和内容方面的问题。根据尺寸,支持类型,个性化,每本手册中的设备数量,焦点和图像类型,收集并分析了制造商提供的十七份助听器手册封面(7份数字,印刷了10份)。结果表明,没有一个封面表现出与个性化相关的元素,并且最终尺寸均小于推荐值。对于印刷手册,检测到纸张类型问题(n = 4)。十三本手册涵盖了不止一种设备。多数(n = 12)展示了具象的图像,其中有10个聚焦在设备上。作者建议增加材料的大小,包括个性化元素并为每个模型提供一本手册。从图形和信息的角度出发,设计师必须改进这些材料,以促进同理心,互动并引起读者的注意。



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