首页> 外文期刊>Indonesian Journal of Educational Counseling >Deskripsi Gejala Stres Akademik dan Kecenderungan Pilihan Strategi Koping Siswa Berbakat

Deskripsi Gejala Stres Akademik dan Kecenderungan Pilihan Strategi Koping Siswa Berbakat




The description of academic stress and tendencies of using coping strategies in the gifted students. This study aims to describe the general conception of an academic stress of gifted students, tendencies of coping strategies they use, and to plan an appropriate guidance and counseling program to manage an academic stress of gifted students. This study used a descriptive method with nonprobability sampling technique and specifically took the sample by using purposive sampling. The sample is collected from gifted students of tenth-graders at SMA Negeri 4 Bandung year 2015/2016. The result showed that academic stress of gifted students is in the medium category with a percentage of 76.92. On the other hand, the tendencies of the gifted students on using coping strategies showed that the students tend to use Emotion Focused Coping, with a percentage of 53.84%. This shows that gifted students need a special attention on how to cope with problems so that it does not result in a negative way. Therefore, an appropriate service that is suitable for the needs of gifted students is required. The recommendation from this study is addressed to the school’s guidance and counseling committee, teachers, and other researchers.
机译:资优学生的学习压力和使用应对策略的倾向的描述。这项研究旨在描述资优学生的学业压力的一般概念,他们使用的应对策略的趋势,并规划适当的指导和咨询程序来管理资优学生的学业压力。本研究采用描述性方法和非概率抽样技术,并通过有目的抽样专门抽取了样本。该样本是从2015/2016年万隆SMA Negeri 4年级的10年级优秀学生中收集的。结果显示,资优学生的学业压力处于中等水平,为76.92。另一方面,有天赋的学生使用应对策略的趋势表明,学生倾向于使用以情感为中心的应对,占53.84%。这表明有天赋的学生需要特别注意如何应对问题,以免产生负面影响。因此,需要适合天才学生需求的适当服务。这项研究的建议已提交给学校的指导和咨询委员会,老师和其他研究人员。



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