首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of psychiatry >Age of onset of dependence: Does it help our understanding of opioid dependence by generating meaningful categories or by acting as a useful dimension? A critical examination of the classic debate in psychiatry

Age of onset of dependence: Does it help our understanding of opioid dependence by generating meaningful categories or by acting as a useful dimension? A critical examination of the classic debate in psychiatry




Background:Category vs. dimension is a classic debate in psychiatry. Applying age of onset of dependence (AOOD) to categorize opioid dependence into early- (EO) and late-onset (LO) types provides a unique opportunity to critically examine this debate.Aim:To study if EO and LO subjects differ significantly on ‘validating variables’ from five explanatory domains: Clinical (severity), genetic (family history), psychological (sensation-seeking and impulsivity), neuropsychological (attention–concentration and executive functions), and neurophysiological (P300-evoked response potential).Materials and Methods:In a cross-sectional design, 60 ICD-10 DCR-diagnosed opioid-dependent male subjects (30 with AOOD≤20 years and 30 with AOOD≥22 years) comprised the two index groups (EO and LO, respectively), with their respective age-matched control groups (EOC and LOC). They were administered an extensive battery of instruments and tests based on the above domains.Results:The two groups differed significantly on only three out of nearly 30 variables tested. However, there emerged a clear and consistent pattern of continuum of scores across the groups and across all the variables: The EO subjects were the most impaired or affected, the LO subjects were intermediate, and the control groups fared the best. Further, nine test variables correlated significantly and meaningfully with AOOD when the dichotomy was abolished and the sample was combined into one.Conclusions:These results suggest that, in this particular case, the variable AOOD is more meaningful when it is used as a dimension rather than for generating categories perforce.
机译:背景:类别与维度是精神病学的经典辩论。应用依赖发作年龄(AOOD)将阿片类药物依赖分为早期(EO)和晚期发作(LO)类型提供了独特的机会来严格审查这一争论。目的:研究EO和LO受试者在“验证变量来自五个解释性领域:临床(严重性),遗传(家族史),心理(寻求感觉和冲动),神经心理学(注意力集中和执行功能)和神经生理学(P300诱发反应潜力)。方法:在横断面设计中,由60个ICD-10 DCR诊断的阿片类药物依赖性男性受试者(30个AOOD≤20岁和30个AOOD≥22岁)包括两个指标组(分别为EO和LO),他们各自年龄匹配的对照组(EOC和LOC)。根据上述领域,他们接受了大量的仪器和测试。结果:两组在将近30个测试变量中只有3个存在显着差异。但是,各组之间以及所有变量之间出现了一种清晰,一致的分数连续性模式:EO受试者是最受损或受影响最大的人群,LO受试者是中级人群,而对照组则表现最好。此外,当二分法废除并将样本合并为一个样本时,有9个测试变量与AOOD显着相关且有意义。比生成类别perforce要多。



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