首页> 外文期刊>Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia >The surgical management of massive intraoperative and postoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage: anatomic and functional outcomes

The surgical management of massive intraoperative and postoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage: anatomic and functional outcomes




PURPOSE: To describe the clinical characteristics, management and treatment outcomes of patients with post-surgical suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH). METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted, in which the medical records of 9 consecutive patients with SCH admitted to the Goldschleger Eye Institute were reviewed. RESULTS: The mean age was 74 years (range 61-84) and the mean follow-up time was 38.3 ± 0.1 months (range 4-87 months). Four cases were associated with glaucoma surgeries (2 trabeculectomies and 2 Ahmed valve implantations), 3 cases with cataract surgery and 2 cases with pars plana vitrectomy. The diagnosis of SCH was ranging from intra-operative to 8 days following the primary procedure. Most patients underwent posterior sclerotomies and drainage alone or combined with pars plana vitrectomy in a mean timing of intervention of 11 ± 4 days. At one month of follow-up the visual acuity improved in 7 eyes and remained stable in 2, compared to the VA prior to the drainage operation. The mean VA improved from 2.03 to 1.285 logMAR units at 1 month following the drainage procedure (p=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: SCH still remains a challenging complication of many ophthalmological procedures. The current surgical management may improve visual acuity though the general prognosis is still poor.
机译:目的:描述手术后脉络膜上出血(SCH)患者的临床特征,管理和治疗结果。方法:进行一项回顾性横断面研究,回顾了Goldschleger眼科研究所收治的9例连续性SCH患者的病历。结果:平均年龄为74岁(范围61-84),平均随访时间为38.3±0.1个月(范围4-87个月)。青光眼手术4例(小梁切除术2例,艾哈迈德瓣膜植入术2例),白内障手术3例,晶状体玻璃体切除术2例。 SCH的诊断范围为术中至术后8天。大多数患者单独接受后巩膜硬化和引流,或联合平板玻璃体切除术,平均干预时间为11±4天。与引流手术前的VA相比,随访1个月时,有7只眼的视力有所改善,有2只眼的视力保持稳定。引流手术后1个月,平均VA从2.03 logMAR单位提高到1.285 logMAR单位(p = 0.003)。结论:SCH仍然是许多眼科手术的挑战性并发症。尽管总体预后仍然很差,目前的外科手术治疗仍可以改善视力。



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