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Prevention of Functional Dyspepsia with Carica Papaya Extract




Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a set of relapsing or chronic dyspeptic symptoms in the absence of?structural organic lesions. Approximately 15-20% of the general population in many developed countries?suffers from dyspeptic symptoms at any time in a year, whereas in Pakistan, 14-22 % of general population?suffers from FD.?Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of carica papaya extract (CP) in preventing?functional dyspepsia in human volunteers.Methodology: A community based, placebo-controlled, double -blind, multi-centered, and randomized?clinical trial through systematic random sampling was conducted in Lahore urban community. After initial?diagnostic investigations in 200 patients diagnosed as cases of FD fulfilling Rome III criteria were recruitedafter taking written consent and randomly assigned to one of 2 treatment groups (CP extract group or placebo)?in equal number. A 7 days medication free period was observed before the start of trial. Each patient?received the treatment for 6 weeks. The primary outcome variable was the improvement in gastrointestinalsymptom score (GIS) consisting of evaluation of 10 dyspeptic symptoms rated on Likert scale. Dyspeptic?symptoms were assessed at the start of trial then after 2, 4 and 6 weeks.?Results: In this trial, 200 patients fully participated in this study (age 36.31±9.711 years, range 18-55, 60%?female). Compared with placebo, Carica papaya extract (CP group) showed a clinically significant improvement.?The GIS significantly decreased in CP group during the first 2 weeks, compared to the placebo (p?< 0.05). During the second and third 2-week period, symptoms further improved in CP group (p < 0.05).?After 6 weeks, 95.7% on CP treatment and 3.1% on placebo were completely relieved of FD symptoms (p?< 0.001).?Conclusions: CP extract was significantly effective gastro-protective as compared with placebo.
机译:功能性消化不良(FD)是在没有结构性器质性病变的情况下出现的一系列复发性或慢性消化不良症状。在许多发达国家中,约有15-20%的人口在一年中的任何时候都会遭受消化不良症状的困扰,而在巴基斯坦,约有14-22%的人口遭受FD的困扰。目的:本研究旨在评估木瓜提取物(CP)预防人类志愿者功能性消化不良的有效性。方法:在拉合尔市区进行了一项社区性,安慰剂对照,双盲,多中心和随机临床试验社区。经过初步诊断调查,在征得书面同意后,招募了200名被诊断为FD符合Rome III标准的FD患者,并随机分配给2个治疗组(CP提取物组或安慰剂)之一。在开始试验之前,观察到7天的无药期。每位患者接受了6周的治疗。主要结果变量是胃肠道症状评分(GIS)的改善,包括对以李克特量表评估的10种消化不良症状的评估。结果:在该试验中,有200名患者完全参与了本研究(年龄36.31±9.711岁,年龄18-55岁,女性占60%),在试验开始时评估了消化不良症状。 。与安慰剂相比,番木瓜提取物(CP组)具有临床上的显着改善。与安慰剂相比,CP组在头2周的GIS显着降低(p <0.05)。在第二个和第三个2周期间,CP组的症状进一步改善(p <0.05)。6周后,CP治疗的95.7%和安慰剂的3.1%完全缓解了FD症状(p <0.001)。结论:CP提取物与安慰剂相比具有明显的胃保护作用。



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