首页> 外文期刊>Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention >Is Exposure to Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship Associated with Initiation of Tobacco Use among Current Tobacco Users in Youth in India?

Is Exposure to Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship Associated with Initiation of Tobacco Use among Current Tobacco Users in Youth in India?




Background: The rise in consumption of tobacco products among youth is a public health concern in India.Several studies have shown that advertisements promoting tobacco products influence decisions and behaviourof youth towards smoking. Objective: To ascertain which method of Tobacco Advertising, Promotion andSponsorship (TAPS) was more influential for initiating tobacco use in youth in India. Materials and Methods:The secondary data of youth (15-24 years) from nationally representative Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)conducted in 2009-2010 was analyzed. Odds ratio and p-value were used to know the association between TAPSand initiation of use of tobacco products among youth. Logistic regression was used to determine the mostsignificant means of TAPS altering the youth’s behaviour towards tobacco products. Results: Out of 13,383 youths,1,982 (14.7%) used smokeless forms of tobacco and 860 (6.38%) used smoke forms. Logistic regression revealsthat promotional activities mainly through cinemas (p<0.05) and providing free samples of tobacco products (p< = .001) were most influential means of initiating consumption of tobacco products among youth. Conclusions:The smoking in youth is associated with watching advertisements particularly in cinema and promotionalactivities like distribution of free samples, coupons and sales on the price of tobacco products. Stronger legislativemeasures should be enforced to curb promotional advertisements in cinemas and distribution of free samples.
机译:背景:印度年轻人对烟草制品的消费增加是公共卫生方面的关注事项。多项研究表明,宣传烟草制品的广告会影响青少年对吸烟的决定和行为。目的:确定哪种烟草广告,促销和赞助方式(TAPS)对印度年轻人开始使用烟草更有影响力。资料和方法:分析了2009-2010年进行的全国代表性的全球成人烟草调查(GATS)的青年(15-24岁)的二级数据。使用比值和p值了解TAPS与青年人开始使用烟草制品之间的关联。 Logistic回归用于确定TAPS改变年轻人对烟草制品行为的最重要手段。结果:在13383名青年中,有1982名(14.7%)使用了无烟烟草,有860名(6.38%)使用了无烟烟草。 Logistic回归显示,主要通过电影院进行的促销活动(p <0.05)和免费提供烟草制品样本(p <=。001)是年轻人中开始消费烟草制品的最有影响力的手段。结论:青年时期的吸烟与观看广告有关,尤其是在电影院和促销活动中,例如免费样品的分发,优惠券和烟草产品价格的销售。应采取更强有力的立法措施,以制止在电影院中的促销广告和免费样品的分发。



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