首页> 外文期刊>Arctic: Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America >Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) diet in Karupelv valley, East Greenland, during a summer with low lemming density

Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) diet in Karupelv valley, East Greenland, during a summer with low lemming density

机译:夏季低旅鼠密度的东北格陵兰卡鲁佩尔夫山谷的北极狐(Alopex lagopus)饮食



We investigated the diet of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) in the Karupelv valley, East Greenland, during the summer of 1997. Despite a low density, lemmings were the most utilized prey, comprising 65.3% of dry fecal weight in fresh feces. This demonstrates the importance of lemming species as prey for arctic foxes all through a lemming cycle. Birds, arctic hare (Lepus arcticus), and insects also contributed to the diet. Arctic fox remains suggested that the foxes had scavenged their own species. Vegetation, muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus), and seal (Phocidae) were found in small amounts. We compared estimates of prey availability and diets of arctic foxes for a coastal area (10 km from the shore). Abundance of avian prey tended to be higher in the coastal area. Fresh feces indicated a significant overall difference in arctic fox diets between the coastal and inland areas. Within prey categories, lemmings were significantly more represented in the inland area, while the coastal area had a more diverse diet overall. We also suggest that the existence of arctic foxes in East Greenland is dependent on regular peak years in lemming density.
机译:我们在1997年夏季调查了东格陵兰岛Karupelv谷地北极狐(Alopex lagopus)的饮食。尽管密度很低,但旅鼠仍是使用最多的猎物,占新鲜粪便干粪重量的65.3%。这证明了旅鼠作为整个北极狐的猎物的重要性。鸟类,北极野兔(Lepus arcticus)和昆虫也有助于饮食。北极狐遗骸表明狐狸已经清除了自己的物种。发现少量的植物,麝香鱼(Ovibos moschatus)和海豹(Phocidae)。我们比较了沿海地区(距海岸10公里)的猎物可获得性和北极狐饮食的估计。在沿海地区,鸟类猎物的数量往往较高。新鲜的粪便表明沿海和内陆地区北极狐饮食之间存在明显的总体差异。在猎物类别中,旅鼠在内陆地区的代表性明显更高,而沿海地区的饮食总体上更为多样化。我们还建议,东格陵兰岛中北极狐的存在取决于旅鼠密度的规则高峰年。



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