首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Biological Sciences >Gill lesions in Prespa barbel ( Barbus prespensis ) inhabiting a polluted area of Lake Prespa

Gill lesions in Prespa barbel ( Barbus prespensis ) inhabiting a polluted area of Lake Prespa

机译:普雷斯帕口pre(Barbus prespensis)的病栖息于普雷斯帕湖污染区



The study focused on gill lesions observed in Prespa barbel individuals caught on the north littoral site of Lake Prespa in the area of the Golema River confluence, which is under agricultural, industrial and urban pollution pressure. Microscopic analysis revealed a series of circulatory, regressive, progressive and, to a less extent, inflammatory changes of which the most prominent were: telangiectasia, necrosis of respiratory epithelium accompanied by collapsed secondary lamellae, necrosis and proliferation of interlamellar and lamellar respiratory epithelium, and parasite infection. These results indicate that the reiterated gill lesions were probably due to the double influence of the toxic effects of a polluted aquatic environment and opportunistic infections, which indicates that the application of mitigating measures is urgently needed in order to protect the Prespa Lake ecosystems.https://doi.org/10.2298/ABS160309099JReceived: March 9, 2016; Revised: April 9, 2016; Accepted: April 10, 2016; Published online: October 17, 2016How to cite this article: Jordanova M, Rebok K, Spasova A, Roganovic-Zafirova D. Gill lesions in Prespa barbel ( Barbus prespensis ) inhabiting a polluted area of Lake Prespa. Arch Biol Sci. 2017;69(2):285-9.
机译:这项研究集中于在农业,工业和城市污染压力下,在戈勒马河汇合区域北部的普雷斯帕湖北部沿海地点捕获的普雷斯帕口须鱼个体中观察到的ill损伤。显微镜分析显示了一系列循环,渐进,进行性炎症反应,其次是炎症变化,其中最突出的表现为:毛细血管扩张,呼吸道上皮坏死并伴有继发性薄层细胞萎缩,层间和层状呼吸道上皮坏死和增殖,以及寄生虫感染。这些结果表明,再次g污染可能是由于污染的水生环境和机会性感染的毒副作用的双重影响,这表明迫切需要采取缓解措施以保护Prespa Lake生态系统。 //doi.org/10.2298/ABS160309099J接收:2016年3月9日;修订日期:2016年4月9日;接受:2016年4月10日;在线发布:2016年10月17日如何引用这篇文章:普雷帕斯巴贝尔(Barbus prespensis)居住在普雷斯帕湖污染地区的乔丹诺瓦M,雷博克K,斯帕索娃A,罗加诺维奇-扎菲洛娃D. Gill病灶。 Arch Biol科学。 2017; 69(2):285-9。



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