首页> 外文期刊>Applied Mathematics >Homotopy Analysis Solution to Radial Diffusivity Equation of Slightly Compressible Fluid

Homotopy Analysis Solution to Radial Diffusivity Equation of Slightly Compressible Fluid




The salient significance of the solution of radial diffusivity equation to well testing analysis done in oil and gas industry cannot be over-emphasized. Varieties of solutions have been proposed to the radial diffusivity equation, of which the Van Everdingen-Hurst constant terminal rate solution is the most widely accepted and the others are approximate solution having their respective limitations. The main objective of this project, being its first application to oil and gas industry, is to use a new mathematical technique, the homotopy analysis method (HAM) to solve the radial diffusivity equation for slightly compressible fluid. In Using HAM, the Boltzmann transformation method was used to transform the radial PDE to ODE, then a homotopy series was then constructed for the new equation with the linear boundary condition from the original radial diffusivity equation of slightly compressible fluid and the final equation then solved using computation software Maple. The result gotten reveals that the homotopy analysis method gives good results compared to the Van Everdingen and Hurst Solution (Exact solution) and thus proves to be very effective, simple, and accurate when compared to other form of solutions. Hence from the results gotten, Homotopy Analysis Method can therefore be applied in solving other non-linear equations in the petroleum engineering field since it is simple and accurate.
机译:不能过分强调径向扩散系数方程解对油气行业进行的试井分析的重要意义。对于径向扩散率方程,已经提出了各种解,其中最广泛接受的是范埃弗丁根-赫斯特恒定终端速率解,其他是具有各自局限性的近似解。该项目的第一个目标是在石油和天然气工业中的首次应用,它的主要目的是使用一种新的数学技术,即同质分析方法(HAM)来解决轻度可压缩流体的径向扩散系数方程。在“使用HAM”中,使用Boltzmann变换方法将径向PDE转换为ODE,然后根据微压缩流体的原始径向扩散方程,使用线性边界条件为新方程构建同伦级数,然后求解最终方程使用计算软件Maple。得到的结果表明,同构分析方法与Van Everdingen and Hurst解决方案(精确解决方案)相比具有良好的结果,因此与其他形式的解决方案相比,被证明是非常有效,简单且准确的。因此,从得到的结果来看,同伦分析方法可以简便,准确地用于石油工程领域的其他非线性方程的求解。



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