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Immanence, Transcendence, and Interdividual Desire in Nietzsche, Bataille, and Levinas




René Girard’s mimetic theory and Generative Anthropology (subsequently GA) have produced conceptions of cultural and language origin that insist on the “interdividuality” [1] of desire as fundamental to, and constitutive of, human relations and experience. This paper will explore how interdividual desire in the sacred and aesthetic experience is the basis for the ongoing contemporary valorization of theories of immanence over and against theories of transcendence. Both Girard (in his study of social undifferentiation in religious rites) and Generative Anthropology (in its account of the appearance of language) locate the most powerful experiences of interdividuality in sacred awe, wherein a mimetically desired centre alternately attracts and repels a periphery of desiring subjects. To illustrate the important role of mimetic desire-driven violence in the appearance of the sacred as the foundation of culture, Girard foregrounds the Dionysian bacchanal by emphasizing its celebration of unrestrained interdividual desire ( Violence 126-27). For its part, GA highlights the way that the potentially violent volatility of such desire establishes the scenic configuration upon which the first sign and first language users appear. Desire’s continuous and unifying quality resonates with the metaphysics of immanence that has its roots in the thought of pre-Socratic philosophers (notably Heraclitus). The concept of immanent desire reappears during the Enlightenment in Spinoza’s conception of a single universal substance ( Ethics 1, Propositions 7 and 14), and it has continued to reappear up to the present day. In the first section of this paper, I will focus on the concept of immanence as it appears in Nietzsche’s aestheticized das Ur-Eine , or the primordially One in The Birth of Tragedy . In the second, I will consider how das Ur-Eine —as a manifestation of the will to power in the whole man—informs Georges Bataille’s immanentist, anti-linguistic vision of totality or general economy. Deploying both Girard’s anthropology and Eric Gans’s theory of cultural origin, I will suggest that the current posthumanist penchant for theories of language’s immanent embeddedness arises from Nietzsche’s and Bataille’s visions of totality insofar as posthumanism is informed by Derridian deconstruction (which is itself heavily influenced by Nietzsche and Bataille). In a final section, I will explore how the primordial self’s encounter with the face of the other—described by Emmanuel Levinas in Totality and Infinity (61)—brings about the transcendent experience of the infinite via interdividual desire. By setting Nietzsche, Bataille, and Levinas’s respective theories of immanence and transcendence alongside each other, I will illustrate how the mimetically engendered conception of immanence competes with mimetically generated theories of transcendence. I hope that, by placing these theories in mutual conversation through the medium of Girard’s mimetic theory and GA’s originary thinking, the tension between theories of transcendence and immanence—a tension which signals a kind of ideological mimetic doubling—may be deconstructed.
机译:勒内·吉拉德(RenéGirard)的模仿理论和生殖人类学(后称GA)产生了文化和语言渊源的观念,这些观念坚持认为欲望的“个体性” [1]是人类关系和经验的基础和构成。本文将探讨在神圣和审美体验中的个体欲望是当代内在性理论对超越理论和反对者超越理论进行价衡的基础。吉拉德(在研究宗教仪式中的社会差异化方面)和生殖人类学(在语言出现方面均如此)都在神圣敬畏中找到了最强有力的个人体验,其中,模范化的中心交替吸引并排斥了渴望的边缘。科目。为了说明模仿欲望驱动的暴力行为在神圣作为文化基础的外观中的重要作用,吉拉德通过强调其对不受约束的个人欲望的庆祝(暴力126-27)来展示狄奥尼主义的细菌。就其本身而言,GA强调了这种欲望潜在的剧烈波动建立了第一手语和第一语言使用者出现的风景区的方式。欲望的持续统一的品质与内在的形而上学产生共鸣,内在的形而上学起源于前苏格拉底哲学家(尤其是赫拉克利特)的思想。内在欲望的概念在斯宾诺莎的单一普遍性概念(道德1,主张7和14)的启蒙运动中重新出现,并且一直持续到今天。在本文的第一部分中,我将重点关注内在性的概念,它出现在尼采美学化的das Ur-Eine或《悲剧的诞生》中最原始的一个中。在第二篇文章中,我将考虑das Ur-Eine如何作为整个人的权力意志的体现,如何传达乔治·巴塔耶(Georges Bataille)关于整体性或总体经济的内在的,反语言的观点。结合吉拉德的人类学和埃里克·甘斯的文化渊源理论,我将建议,目前的后人文主义对语言内在嵌入性理论的偏爱来自尼采和巴达耶的整体视野,因为后人主义受德雷德里斯解构主义的影响(后者受到尼采的影响很大)和Bataille)。在最后一节中,我将探讨原始自我如何与他人的面孔相遇(由Emmanuel Levinas在《全面性与无限性》(61)中进行了描述)如何通过个体间的渴望带来无限的超然体验。通过将尼采,巴塔耶和列维纳斯各自关于内在性和超越性的理论放在一起,我将说明模仿产生的内在性观念如何与模仿产生的超越性理论相抗衡。我希望,通过吉拉德的模仿理论和通用汽车公司的起源思想将这些理论进行相互对话,可以打破超越理论与内在理论之间的张力,这种张力表明一种意识形态上的模仿倍增。



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