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Responses of heat shock protein 70 and caspase-3/7 to dietary selenomethionine in juvenile white sturgeon

机译:幼年白st鱼热激蛋白70和caspase-3 / 7对饮食硒代蛋氨酸的反应



Abstract An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the responses of juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to elevated dietary selenium (Se) based on the determination of the RNA/DNA ratio in muscle, heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), and caspase-3/7 in muscle and/or liver tissues. Four semi-purified test diets were prepared by adding different levels of L-selenomethionine (0, 50, 100, and 200?mg/kg diet). The analytical determinations of total Se were 2.2, 19.7, 40.1, and 77.7?mg/kg diet. The sturgeon (initial body weight: 30?±?2?g; mean?±?SEM) were raised in indoor tanks provided with flow through freshwater (18–19?°C). There were three replicates for each dietary treatment with 25 fish per replicate. The liver and muscle tissues were collected at 4 and 8 weeks after feeding the test diets. A significant interaction between duration and levels of dietary Se exposures on RNA/DNA ratio in the muscle tissue was detected (P?
机译:摘要通过确定肌肉中RNA / DNA比例,热休克蛋白70(Hsp70)和RNA的含量,进行了为期8周的喂养试验,以调查少年白st(Acipenser transmontanus)对日粮硒(Se)的反应。肌肉和/或肝脏组织中的caspase-3 / 7。通过添加不同含量的L-硒代蛋氨酸(0、50、100和200?mg / kg饮食)来制备四种半纯化的测试饮食。总硒的分析测定为2.2、19.7、40.1和77.7?mg / kg日粮。 indoor鱼(初始体重:30?±?2?g;平均值?±?SEM)在装有淡水(18–19?C)的室内水箱中饲养。每种饮食疗法有3个重复,每个重复25条鱼。喂食试验饮食后第4和8周收集肝脏和肌肉组织。在肌肉组织中,饮食中硒暴露的持续时间与饮食水平之间的显着相互作用(RNA / DNA比率)(P≤0.05)。尽管由于饮食中硒暴露的持续时间(即4周对8周)对肌肉RNA / DNA比例没有显着的主要影响(P≥0.05),但随着饮食中硒水平的升高,比例显着降低。饮食中硒在肌肉和肝脏组织中对Hsp70的持续时间和水平造成了重要的主要影响,而Hsp70的暴露时间较长(8周)和水平较高(40.1和77.7mg?Se / mg / Se / s,则明显增加了Hsp70)。公斤硒)的饮食硒。饲喂40.1和77.7mg?Se / kg / kg日粮的鱼的肝脏中caspase-3 / 7活性显着高于饲喂其他日粮的鱼。据估计,肌肉中硒的毒性阈值分别为32.2和26.6 mg•Se / kg,这是由于抑制的比生长速率和诱导的Hsp70反应引起的。该结果表明,肌肉中的Hsp70应答是比st鱼的{SGR}更敏感的生物标志物,以评价白色st鱼的Se毒性。目前的研究结果表明,涉及应激蛋白产生和凋亡的机制可以保护白st鱼免受硒的致死作用。



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