首页> 外文期刊>American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences >Effect of Drip and Furrow Irrigation Systems on Sunflower Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Dry Area of Pakistan

Effect of Drip and Furrow Irrigation Systems on Sunflower Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Dry Area of Pakistan




Surface irrigation is commonly used in Pakistan and will continue to be used as a traditional methodof irrigation with water application efficiency not more than 40%, whereas yields are way below those of othercountries. The use of available water resources therefore warn to use limited irrigation water efficiently to savenot only loss of water but provide adequate root zone moisture for increasing crop production. A fieldexperiment was conducted in the year 2007 on sandy loam soil of dry area of Pakistan to study the effect of dripand furrow irrigation methods on sunflower crop yield and water use efficiency. As sunflower is one of the mostcultivated crops in the World and its cultivation in Pakistan is increasing due to its short duration (90-120 days)with high oleic acid, higher oxidative stability and better dietary property. Comparison of results under drip andfurrow irrigation methods revealed that drip irrigation produced 26 percent more sunflower yield with 56 percentless water compared to furrow irrigation method. Water use efficiency of drip irrigation was about three timeshigher than furrow irrigation method. With one cubic meter volume of water drip and furrow irrigation produced0.55 and 0.19 kg of sunflower yield, respectively. The results revealed that drip irrigation has the potential toincrease the area under cultivation due to water saving and increase in crop production for food security andpoverty alleviation.
机译:地表灌溉在巴基斯坦很普遍,并且将继续作为传统灌溉方法使用,水的利用率不超过40%,而单产却远低于其他国家。因此,对可用水资源的使用警告要有效地使用有限的灌溉水,不仅可以节省水的损失,还可以提供充足的根系水分以增加农作物的产量。 2007年,在巴基斯坦干旱地区的沙壤土上进行了田间试验,研究了滴灌和沟灌方式对向日葵作物产量和水分利用效率的影响。由于向日葵是世界上种植最多的农作物之一,并且由于其持续时间短(90-120天),油酸含量高,氧化稳定性更高和饮食特性更好,因此在巴基斯坦的种植正在增加。滴灌和沟灌方法的结果比较表明,与沟灌相比,滴灌的向日葵产量提高了26%,而水分少了56%。滴灌的水分利用效率是沟灌方法的三倍。进行一立方米的滴水和沟灌,分别产生了0.55和0.19 kg的向日葵产量。结果表明,滴水灌溉由于节水和增加作物产量而有可能增加耕地面积,以实现粮食安全和减轻贫困。



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