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Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton Community Structure in NortheasternCoastal Waters off the Korean Peninsula




Phytoplankton community in the coastal waters off the northeastern Korean Peninsula were characterized from May 2002 to August 2003. Taxonomic composition, abundance and biomass were determined at two water depths at 10 sample sites. A total of 153 phytoplankton species including 121 diatoms, 28 dinoflagellates, 7 green algae and 7 other species were identified. The mean abundance of phytoplankton varied from 15 to 430 cells mL–1 in the surface layer and from 11 to 545 cells mL–1 in the bottom layer, respectively. Phytoplankton was more abundant in coastal stations relative to those in more open ocean. The most dominant species were marine diatoms such as Thalassionema nitzschioides, Licmorphora abbreviata, Chaetoceros affinis and Chaetoceros socialis. In addition, a few limnotic diatoms including Fragilaria capucina v. rumpens, the green alga Scenedesmus dimorphus, some marine dinoflagellates and Cryptomonas sp. appeared as dominant species. Mean concentration of total chlorophyll-a varied from 0.22 to 7.87 μg chl-a L–1 and from 0.45 to 6.79 μg chl-a L–1 in the surface and bottom layers, respectively. The contribution of phytoplankton each size-fractionated varied highly with season. The contribution of microphytoplankton to total biomass of phytoplankton in the surface and bottom layer was high in February and August 2003, and that of nano-phytoplankton was high in May 2002 in both surface and bottom layers.
机译:2002年5月至2003年8月,对朝鲜半岛东北部沿海水域的浮游植物群落进行了特征分析。在10个采样点的两个水深处确定了生物分类组成,丰度和生物量。总共确定了153种浮游植物,包括121种硅藻,28种鞭毛藻,7种绿藻和7种其他物种。在表层,浮游植物的平均丰度分别为15到430个细胞mL-1,最底层为11到545个细胞mL-1。相对于更开放的海洋,沿海站的浮游植物更为丰富。最主要的物种是海洋硅藻,例如地中海藻,地中海小拟南芥,亲缘Chaetoceros affinis和Chaetoceros socialis。此外,还有一些石灰石硅藻,包括Fragilaria capucina诉rumpens,绿藻Scenedesmus dimorphus,一些海洋鞭毛藻和Cryptomonas sp。以优势种出现。表层和底层中总叶绿素-a的平均浓度分别为0.22至7.87μgchl-a L-1和0.45至6.79μgchl-a L-1。每个大小部分的浮游植物的贡献随季节而变化很大。在2003年2月和2003年8月,浮游植物对表层和底层浮游生物总生物量的贡献较高,而在2002年5月,对表层和底层浮游植物的纳米生物浮游生物的贡献较高。



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