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Solving the Global Crisis in Access to Pain Relief: Lessons From Country Actions




Annually, more than 61 million people worldwide experience about 6 billion days of serious health-related suffering that could be alleviated with access to palliative care and pain relief. However, palliative care is limited or nonexistent in most parts of the world. The access abyss is so stark that 50% of the world’s poorest populations live in countries that receive only 1% of the opioid analgesics distributed worldwide. By contrast, the richest 10% of the world’s population live in countries that receive nearly 90% of the opioid pain relief medications. The Lancet Commission on Global Access to Palliative Care and Pain Relief developed a framework to measure the global burden of serious health-related suffering and generated the evidence base to address this burden. We present the inequities in access to pain relief and highlight key points from country responses, drawing from and building on recommendations of the Lancet Commission report “Alleviating the Access Abyss in Palliative Care and Pain Relief—An Imperative of Universal Health Coverage” to close the access abyss in relief of pain and other types of serious health-related suffering. The poor, worldwide, have little or no access to palliative care or pain relief. Approximately 298 metric tons of morphine-equivalent opioids are distributed in the world each year. However, only 0.1 metric tons—0.03%—are distributed to low-income countries. 1 More than 61 million people worldwide experience serious health-related suffering annually throughout the life course that could be alleviated if they had access to palliative care. More than 80% of these individuals reside in low- and middle-income countries where palliative care is limited or nonexistent. 1 This global pain crisis counts among the most serious health and equity imperatives facing the world. Yet the barriers to accessing pain relief medications—one of the most basic palliative care interventions—are surmountable. These barriers include “opiophobia” (i.e., prejudice and misinformation on medical use of opioids) among prescribers, social and cultural perceptions of opioids, the neglect of end-of-life care, and a lack of priority-setting tools to incorporate suffering into measurement of health outcomes investment decisions. The Lancet Commission on Global Access to Palliative Care and Pain Relief, in its report, 1 quantified the global burden of serious health-related suffering associated with 20 life-limiting and life-threatening health conditions and identified effective and affordable strategies to address this burden, particularly through the design and estimated cost of an essential package of palliative care health services. 1 Its findings call on governments and global institutions to act collectively to address this grotesque injustice that leaves millions in pain when appropriate interventions exist. 1 We briefly present global inequities surrounding access to pain relief and highlight key points from country responses, drawing from and building on recommendations from the Lancet Commission report.
机译:每年,全世界有超过6100万人经历了约60亿天的与健康相关的严重痛苦,而获得姑息治疗和缓解疼痛的症状可以缓解这些痛苦。但是,姑息治疗在世界上大多数地区是有限的或不存在的。可及的深渊是如此之严峻,以至于世界上最贫困的人口中有50%居住在仅获得全球1%阿片类镇痛药普及率的国家。相比之下,世界上最富有的10%的人口居住在接受了将近90%的阿片类药物缓解疼痛的药物的国家。柳叶刀全球姑息治疗和缓解疼痛委员会制定了一个框架来衡量严重的健康相关苦难的全球负担,并为解决这一负担提供了证据基础。我们以柳叶刀委员会报告“缓解姑息治疗和缓解疼痛的深渊-全民健康覆盖的当务之急”的建议为基础,并提出了各国在缓解疼痛方面的不平等现象,并强调了各国应对措施的重点。进入深渊,以减轻疼痛和其他与健康有关的严重痛苦。世界范围内的穷人很少或根本没有获得姑息治疗或缓解疼痛的机会。每年在世界范围内分发约298公吨等效于吗啡的阿片类药物。但是,只有0.1公吨,即0.03%,分配给了低收入国家。 1全球每年有超过6100万人在整个生命过程中经历与健康相关的严重痛苦,如果他们能够获得姑息治疗,则可以缓解。这些人中有80%以上生活在姑息治疗有限或根本不存在的中低收入国家。 1这场全球性的痛苦危机是全世界面临的最严重的健康和公平问题之一。然而,获得止痛药(最基本的姑息治疗干预措施之一)的障碍是可以克服的。这些障碍包括开处方者中的“恐惧症”(即,对使用阿片类药物的偏见和误解),对阿片类药物的社会和文化观念,对临终关怀的忽视以及缺乏优先考虑因素的工具来将痛苦纳入衡量健康成果投资决策。柳叶刀全球姑息治疗和缓解疼痛委员会在其报告中1量化了与20种限制生命和危及生命的健康状况相关的严重健康相关苦难的全球负担,并确定了解决这一负担的有效且负担得起的战略,尤其是通过设计和估算基本姑息治疗保健服务包的成本。 1调查结果呼吁各国政府和全球机构共同采取行动,以解决这一怪诞的不公正现象,如果存在适当的干预措施,这种不公正现象会使数百万人痛苦不堪。 1我们简要介绍了围绕缓解疼痛的全球性不平等现象,并借鉴并借鉴了柳叶刀委员会报告中的建议,着重强调了国家应对措施的要点。



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