首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics >Effect of Magnetic Field in an Oscillatory Flow in Particle-Fluid Suspension through an Elastic Tube: - An Application to Blood Flow in Arteries

Effect of Magnetic Field in an Oscillatory Flow in Particle-Fluid Suspension through an Elastic Tube: - An Application to Blood Flow in Arteries




In the present study, we have attempted to examine various aspects of blood flow in different segments of the circulatory system in a situation where the system has been subjected to an external transverse magnetic field. The equation of motion of the tube, accounted for the elastic response of the arteries of various sizes. The investigation shows that the model considered here is also capable of taking into account the properties affecting the blood flow and hemodynamic features, which may be important for medical doctors to predict diseases for individuals on the basis of the pattern of flow for an elastic artery in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. We derived the “frequency equation” of the flow. It was observed that the roots of the frequency equation also depend on which is the effect of the applied transverse magnetic field on the entire flow. Therefore, the results presented show that the flow of blood and pressure can be controlled by the application of an external magnetic field across the direction of blood flow.



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