首页> 外文期刊>AgroLife Scientific Journal >Rethinking validation and verification through scientific data freshness in order to meet food safety management requirements – a case study

Rethinking validation and verification through scientific data freshness in order to meet food safety management requirements – a case study




In the light of new and relevant scientific information regarding the increased risk of association of OTA hazard with food commodities such as meat and organs, on one hand and considering the documented update available through the scientific data freshness indicating the appropriateness of HPLC for increased performance in OTA testing in such food commodities, on the other hand, we assessed the need of re-validation and re-verification of OTA control measures in two example food products. The results of this assessment indicated that re-validation and rethinking of verification are strongly needed from the perspective of FBOs responsibility in guaranteeing the safety of their final products The results of re-validation and re-verification processes for "toba" meat product and for generic pork ham, as dried cured meat product, as presented in verification charts and discussed, were proven appropriate for the considered case study.
机译:一方面,鉴于有关OTA危害与诸如肉类和内脏等食品商品相关联的风险增加的新的和相关的科学信息,并考虑了通过科学数据新鲜度获得的书面更新资料,表明HPLC适于提高产品的性能。另一方面,我们对此类食品中的OTA测试进行了评估,评估了两种示例食品中OTA控制措施需要重新验证和重新验证的必要性。评估结果表明,从FBO保证最终产品安全性的责任角度出发,强烈需要对验证进行重新验证和重新思考。对“ toba”肉制品和肉制品进行重新验证和重新验证的结果。如验证图所示和讨论的那样,作为干腌肉产品的普通猪肉火腿被证明适合进行案例研究。



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