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Active Case Finding for Improved Ebola Virus Disease Case Detection in Nimba County, Liberia, 2014/2015: Lessons Learned




Objectives. Early case detection and isolation of patients infected with highly infectious diseases are crucial in the management and control of epidemics such as Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). In this paper, we share the lessons learned from implementation of active case finding as a strategy for improved EVD case detection in Nimba County, Liberia. Methods. We adopted the World Health Organization (WHO) active surveillance strategy to identify and report suspected EVD cases, follow up contacts of confirmed cases, and report community deaths. We identified, trained, and deployed 1060 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in 718 communities in Nimba County. The CHVs were supervised by 142 health workers within their catchment area. The health workers were supervised by the District Health Officers (DHOs). The DHOs reported to the County Health Team (CHT) who provided supportive supervision. Data collection was based on the EVD contact tracing and active case finding forms adopted from WHO. Data analysis was based on epi-weeks. Results. The number of EVD suspected cases increased by more than 75% following the initiation of active case finding. Average duration between symptom onset and case detection reduced from between three and five days to within 24 hours. Collection of oral swabs from dead bodies increased from two to 15 within the first week of active case finding strategy implementation. Reporting of other IDSR priority diseases and conditions also improved. Conclusion. Active case finding strategy in Nimba increased suspected EVD case detection and reduced the duration between onset of symptoms and detection of cases.
机译:目标。早期发现和隔离感染高传染性疾病的患者对于埃博拉病毒病(EVD)等流行病的管理和控制至关重要。在本文中,我们分享了在利比里亚宁巴县实施主动病例查找作为改进EVD病例检测策略的经验教训。方法。我们采用了世界卫生组织(WHO)的主动监视策略,以识别和报告可疑EVD病例,跟进已确诊病例的接触,并报告社区死亡。我们在宁巴县的718个社区中识别,培训和部署了1060个社区卫生志愿者(CHV)。在居民区内,有142名卫生工作者对CHV进行了监督。卫生工作者受到地区卫生官员(DHO)的监督。 DHO向县卫生小组(CHT)报告,后者提供了支持性监督。数据收集是基于世界卫生组织采用的EVD接触者追踪和主动病例查找表。数据分析基于Epi周。结果。启动主动病例发现后,EVD可疑病例数增加了75%以上。从症状发作到发现病例的平均时间从三到五天减少到24小时之内。在积极实施病例发现策略的第一周内,从尸体收集的口腔拭子数量从两个增加到15个。其他IDSR重点疾病和状况的报告也得到了改善。结论。 Nimba中积极的病例发现策略增加了EVD疑似病例的发现,并缩短了症状发作和病例发现之间的时间。



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