首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Public Health >Household Food Insecurity, Low Dietary Diversity, and Early Marriage Were Predictors for Undernutrition among Pregnant Women Residing in Gambella, Ethiopia

Household Food Insecurity, Low Dietary Diversity, and Early Marriage Were Predictors for Undernutrition among Pregnant Women Residing in Gambella, Ethiopia




Background. Maternal undernutrition affects the health of both mothers and children and, as a result, has broad impacts on economic and social development. Objective. The aim of this study was to assess magnitude of undernutrition and associated factors among pregnant women in Gambella town, 2014. Methods. Community based cross-sectional study was conducted on 338 randomly selected pregnant women from March to April 2014. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regressions were used for data analysis. Result. The prevalence of undernutrition among pregnant women in Gambella town was 28.6%. Pregnant women who were married before their age of eighteen, who were from food insecure households, and who had low dietary diversity score were nearly four (AOR = 3.9, 95% CI 2.2–6.9), two (AOR = 2.3, 95% CI 1.2–3.6), and two (AOR = 2.1, 95% CI 1.3–4.16) times more likely to be undernourished as compared to their counterparts, respectively. Conclusion. Prevalence of undernutrition among pregnant women in Gambella town was unacceptably high. Stake holders should give due consideration to health education to delay age at first marriage and mainstreaming and strengthening nutritional activities that contribute to reduction of food insecurity and consumption of unbalanced nutrients.
机译:背景。孕产妇营养不良影响母亲和儿童的健康,因此对经济和社会发展产生广泛影响。目的。这项研究的目的是评估2014年甘贝拉镇孕妇的营养不良程度和相关因素。方法。从2014年3月至2014年4月,对338名随机选择的孕妇进行了基于社区的横断面研究。使用双变量和多变量logistic回归进行数据分析。结果。甘贝拉镇孕妇的营养不良发生率为28.6%。年龄在18岁之前结婚,来自粮食不安全家庭且饮食多样性得分低的孕妇近四名(AOR = 3.9,95%CI 2.2-6.9),两名(AOR = 2.3,95%CI)营养不良发生率分别为1.2-3.6)和2倍(AOR = 2.1,95%CI 1.3-4.16)。结论。甘贝拉镇孕妇的营养不良发生率很高,令人无法接受。利益相关者应适当考虑健康教育,以延缓初婚年龄,并将其纳入主流并加强营养活动,从而有助于减少粮食不安全和营养不均衡的消费。



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