
New Services Development




Dynamic changes in traditional technologies and rising of new technologies call for development of new services. If service providers want to stay on information technologies market, they must keep track with this trend and adjust their services to customer requirements or develop new services. New applications will mainly depend on communication bandwidth and end users ability to handle it. If network providers will be able to ensure necessary bandwidth, there will be nothing that can stop service providers and developers in new service development. People know about growing necessity of new service and ask for them, but they hardly understand that the most important thing for service providers is merchantability and economic return of resources they gave to the development and implementation. By the lack of flexible development environment that is able to develop, test and provide final service for operation, new service development is not easy. There are different new service design procedures for various technological and user areas. This is the reason why this paper provides brief description of new service development procedure from technological and administrative point of view.



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