首页> 外文期刊>Advances in civil engineering >Causes of Early Age Cracking on Concrete Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Repair Sections

Causes of Early Age Cracking on Concrete Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Repair Sections




Cracking of newly placed binary Portland cement-slag concrete adjacent to bridge deck expansion dam replacements has been observed on several newly rehabilitated sections of bridge decks. This paper investigates the causes of cracking by assessing the concrete mixtures specified for bridge deck rehabilitation projects, as well as reviewing the structural design of decks and the construction and curing methods implemented by the contractors. The work consists of (1) a comprehensive literature review of the causes of cracking on bridge decks, (2) a review of previous bridge deck rehabilitation projects that experienced early-age cracking along with construction observations of active deck rehabilitation projects, and (3) an experimental evaluation of the two most commonly used bridge deck concrete mixtures. Based on the literature review, the causes of concrete bridge deck cracking can be classified into three categories: concrete material properties, construction practices, and structural design factors. The most likely causes of the observed early-age cracking were found to be inadequate curing and failure to properly eliminate the risk of plastic shrinkage cracking. These results underscore the significance of proper moist curing methods for concrete bridge decks, including repair sections. This document also provides a blueprint for future researchers to investigate early-age cracking of concrete structures.
机译:在新近修复的桥面板部分上,观察到与桥面板膨胀大坝更换相邻的新放置的二元波特兰水泥渣混凝土开裂。本文通过评估为桥面板修复项目指定的混凝土混合物,并审查面板的结构设计以及承包商实施的施工和养护方法,来研究开裂的原因。这项工作包括(1)对桥面面板开裂的原因进行全面的文献综述;(2)对先前经历过早期开裂的桥面面板修复项目进行回顾,以及对活动桥面面板修复项目的施工观察;以及(3 )对两种最常用的桥面混凝土混合物的实验评估。根据文献综述,混凝土桥面板开裂的原因可分为三类:混凝土材料性能,施工实践和结构设计因素。已发现观察到的早期裂纹的最可能原因是固化不充分,并且未能适当消除塑性收缩裂纹的风险。这些结果强调了适当的湿固化方法对混凝土桥面板(包括修补段)的重要性。该文件还为将来的研究人员提供了研究混凝土结构的早期开裂的蓝图。



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