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From the Tatami Mat to the Printed Page: Author Barry Eisler Keeps His Fiction Real

机译:从榻榻米到印刷页面:作者巴里·埃斯勒(Barry Eisler)保持小说真实



This article looks at how a lifelong passion for the martial arts has influenced the writing of international bestselling thriller author Barry Eisler. His seven novels have garnered for him a reputation for authenticity, from his approach to fight scenes to the use of modern espionage techniques. Eisler discusses how he trained at the Kodokan, the birthplace of modern judo in Japan, and its impact on his anti-hero protagonist, John Rain. He also talks about the reaction martial artists have had toward his work. 2009 looks to be a major year for Eisler as his first non-Rain book hits bookstores and a movie based on his first novel is released.
机译:本文探讨了对武术的终生热情如何影响了国际畅销惊悚片作家巴里·埃斯勒(Barry Eisler)的写作。从他的打斗场面到使用现代间谍技术,他的七本小说都为他赢得了真实性的声誉。埃斯勒(Eisler)讨论了他如何在日本现代柔道的发源地Kodokan进行培训,以及其对他的反英雄主角John Rain的影响。他还谈到了武术家对他的作品的反应。对于Eisler来说,2009年将是重要的一年,因为他的第一本非雨季书籍畅销书店,并且根据他的第一本小说发行了一部电影。



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