首页> 外文期刊>Comunicacao & Inovacao >Initiation to combat sports: explanation of the structure of the ludic combative phenomenon, by Bruno Avelar & Abel Figueiredo

Initiation to combat sports: explanation of the structure of the ludic combative phenomenon, by Bruno Avelar & Abel Figueiredo

机译:开展体育运动:布鲁诺·阿弗拉尔(Bruno Avelar)和阿贝尔·菲盖雷多(Abel Figueiredo)对激进格斗现象的结构的解释



The present essay, with theoretic nature, assumes as an object of study the exhibition of the fundamental guidelines, on a didactic model, of the initiation to combat sports. For that, the contributions of several different authors were analyzed, who, from different points of view, consider that the initiation to combat sports does not imply a specific knowledge on any of the subjects that compose them, but their integrated and cross-curricular treatment. These alternative conceptions decreases the importance of the specific technical models, through the strengthening of the common elements of the combat sports, highlighting what is usually called “fighting knowledge”; that is, the capacity that allows the fighter to find solutions for the different situations that take place during a fight.



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