首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agrobotanica >Fungi colonizing shoots of common yew (Taxus baccata L.) in the Jagiellonian University Botanic Garden in Cracow

Fungi colonizing shoots of common yew (Taxus baccata L.) in the Jagiellonian University Botanic Garden in Cracow

机译:克拉科夫贾吉隆大学植物园的常见紫杉(Taxus baccata L.)真菌定殖芽



The aim of the investigations was determination the reasons of dying down of needles and branches of common yew ( Taxus baccata L.) in the park collection of Botanic Garden of Jagiellonian University in Cracow. The disease changes of infectious nature were observed on the examined plants' parts. The changes'appearance, its location and extent were described in details. At first the spots were brown colour with distinct hem. Then the needle and branch tissues were dying down. From end of May to July mass falling down of infesteted needles was observed. Mycological analysis of diseased tissues showed 34 fungi species. To the dominant species belonged: Alternaria alternata , Colletotrichum gloeosporioides , Fusarium spp., Pestalotiopsis guepinii , Phomopsis juniperivora and Zythiostroma pinastri . Common yew pathogens: Phomopsis juniperivora and Sclerophoma pityophila were found among the isolated fungi.
机译:调查的目的是确定在克拉科夫的Jagiellonian大学植物园的公园集合中,紫杉(Taxus baccata L.)的针叶和树枝死亡的原因。在被检查的植物部位观察到了感染性疾病的变化。详细描述了更改的外观,位置和范围。起初,斑点为棕色,下摆独特。然后针和分支组织垂死了。从5月底到7月,观察到大量的针头掉落。患病组织的真菌学分析显示34种真菌。属于优势种的有:链格孢菌,炭疽菌,镰刀菌属,古生Pestalotiopsis guepinii,红单孢菌和松果虫。常见的紫杉病原体:在分离出的真菌中发现了红腐菌和嗜油菌。



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