首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity Journal >The plant diversity and conservation status of the Taurus and Amanos mountains in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey

The plant diversity and conservation status of the Taurus and Amanos mountains in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey




In this study, the Taurus and Amanos mountains of Turkey's eastern Mediterranean region offer an overview of the floristic features. A total of 1,259 vascular plant taxa belonging to 106 families and 469 genera were recorded from the research area as a result of various re- searches and field studies conducted between 1999–2017. The phytogeographic elements were represented in the study as follows: Mediterranean 328 (26.1%), Irano-Turanian 157 (12.5%), Euro-Siberian 87 (6.8%), cosmopolitan and unknown 687 (54.6%). The total number of endemic species was 195 and the endemism rate was 15.1%. According to the IUCN Red List Categories, 195 threatened plant species were found in the study area. As in all moun- tainous environments, climate, soil and vegetation characteristics change at short distances and are less exposed to anthropogenic activities. As a result, mountains are centers of high endemism and global biodiversity.



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