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Teachers’ and Teacher Students’ Conceptions of Learning and Creativity




The aim of this study was to explore what kinds of conceptions of creativity and learning Finnish teachers and teacher students expressed, and how these conceptions were related to the respondents’ epistemologies (conceptions of knowledge and learning). The participants (n = 89) answered an e-form, consisting of 3 open-ended questions (conceptions of learning, creativity and the connection between the two). In addition, there were 23 two-part Likert-type statements on epistemologies (Lonka et al., 2008) as well as 10 background questions. Mixed method approach was used to analyze the conceptions that the respondents’ expressed. Two qualitative categories of conceptions of learning came from previous research, Constructivity and active epistemology (Lonka, Joram, & Bryson, 1996). A new category also emerged: Collaborativity of learning. The answers about creativity were classified based on whether creativity was viewed as an inborn ability or something changeable, whether focus was on product or process, and whether creativity was seen as collaborative. The participants’ open-ended conceptions of learning reflected a view of learning as teacher-regulated assimilation, whereas their (structured) epistemologies higlighted reflection and deep-level learning. Creativity was viewed as something that can be improved, focusing on the collaborative process. A link between learning and creativity was identified. It shall be of interest to see, how such epistemic stands would be related to group work.
机译:这项研究的目的是探究芬兰教师和学生表达了哪些创造力和学习观念,以及这些观念与受访者的认识论(知识和学习观念)之间的关系。参与者(n = 89)回答了一个电子表格,其中包括3个开放性问题(学习的概念,创造力以及两者之间的联系)。此外,关于认识论有23个两部分的Likert型陈述(Lonka等,2008)以及10个背景问题。混合方法用于分析受访者表达的概念。学习概念的两个定性类别来自先前的研究,即建构性和积极认识论(Lonka,Joram和Bryson,1996)。还出现了一个新类别:学习协作。关于创造力的答案是根据创造力被视为一种天生的能力还是可以改变的事物,是否专注于产品或过程以及创造力是否被视为协作来分类的。参与者的开放式学习概念反映了一种学习方式,即由教师控制的同化,而他们的(结构化)认识论则对反思和深度学习产生了强烈的兴趣。人们把创造力视为可以改进的东西,重点放在协作过程上。确定了学习与创造力之间的联系。有趣的是,要了解这种认知立场将如何与小组工作联系起来。



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