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Research on Undergraduate Students’ Usage Satisfaction of Mobile Learning




This research focuses on the usage satisfaction of mobile learning among undergraduate students, and adopts the structure of close-ended and the Likert-Scale five-point measure questionnaire. There are 300 respondents from Southwest University. The questionnaires are randomly delivered to students from different majors and grades. The result indicates: 1) most of the undergraduate students are satisfied with mobile learning (76%) and will use mobile learning in future learning (84%). 2) More than half of the respondents have benefited from mobile learning, especially in quickly solving problems encountered in learning and making better use of learning time. 3) Undergraduate students are satisfied with the text content and image content in mobile learning, but the video content gets few agreements (11.4%). 4) The item “I am satisfied with the mobile learning resources provided by my university” gets the lowest mean score (M = 2.15), so teachers and universities should pay more energy and effort to promote the quality of mobile learning resources.
机译:本研究侧重于本科生对移动学习的使用满意度,并采用封闭式和李克特量表五点量表的结构。西南大学有300名受访者。问卷随机分发给来自不同专业和年级的学生。结果表明:1)大多数本科生对移动学习感到满意(76%),并将在未来的学习中使用移动学习(84%)。 2)超过一半的受访者受益于移动学习,特别是在快速解决学习中遇到的问题以及更好地利用学习时间方面。 3)大学生对移动学习中的文本内容和图像内容感到满意,但视频内容却很少达成协议(11.4 %)。 4)“我对我的大学提供的移动学习资源感到满意”项目的平均得分最低(M = 2.15),因此,教师和大学应该付出更多的精力和精力来提高移动学习资源的质量。



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