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Validation of the ELORS Scale and Its Application to Detect Learning Deficiency in Childhood




Educational process in the appropriate period is paramount to define a better academic profile of young people in the future. The objective was to validate ELORS scale (Early Learning Observation and Rating Scale) to help educational process, emphasizing characteristics that can be early signals of learning deficiencies. Scale was applied to parents of 2 public schools and 2 private schools (N = 57 students). Results of reliability using Cronbach’s alpha were as follows: Perceptual and Motor (0.916), Self-management (0.896), Social?and Emotional (0.893), Early Mathematics (0.956), Early Literacy (0.955), Receptive?Language (0.943) and Expressive Language (0.948). When evaluated the differences between private and public schools, we found significant data?in the Domain 2 in the behavior and mood consistency ( p = 0.008); Domain 3 in functioning regardless of adult care ( p = 0.006); Domain 4 in naming numbers ( p = 0.026), counting in the appropriate sequence ( p = 0.035), counting?objects with precision ( p = 0.026), determining which of the two groups of objects has more or less objects ( p = 0.017), determining which object comes next in a sequence (0 . 010), showing understanding of the basic time sequences ( p = 0.041) and showing understanding of basic spatial orientation terms ( p = 0.010); Domain 5 in interest in writing their own name ( p = 0.027), identifying words ( p = 0.006), clapping on the number of syllables in a word ( p = 0.033), and left to right and top to bottom reading ( p = 0.006); Domain 6 in paying attention to speech with background noise ( p = 0.046). Conclusion : The study identified children with the greatest difficulties in Early Literacy between 7 and 8 years old , Major difficulties in Mathematics, Early Literacy in public schools and higher difficulty in the domains of Self-management, Social and Emotional and Receptive Language in private schools.
机译:适当时期的教育过程对于定义未来年轻人的学术水平至关重要。目的是验证ELORS量表(早期学习观察和评定量表)以帮助教育过程,并强调可能是学习不足的早期信号的特征。量表适用于2所公立学校和2所私立学校的父母(N = 57名学生)。使用Cronbach's alpha的可靠性结果如下:感知和运动(0.916),自我管理(0.896),社交和情感(0.893),早期数学(0.956),早期识字(0.955),接受语言(0.943)和表现语言(0.948)。当评估私立学校与公立学校之间的差异时,我们发现在领域2中,有关行为和情绪一致性的重要数据( p = 0.008);不论成人护理如何,功能域3( p = 0.006);域4的命名编号( p = 0.026),以适当的顺序计数( p = 0.035),精确计数对象( p = 0.026),确定两组对象中的哪一个具有或多或少的对象( p = 0.017),确定哪个对象在序列(0。010)中排在其后,显示出对基本时间序列的理解( p = 0.041)并显示出对基本空间取向的理解项( p = 0.010);感兴趣的域5写下自己的名字( p = 0.027),识别单词( p = 0.006),敲击单词中的音节数量( p = 0.033)并留给从右至上至下读数( p = 0.006);领域6中注意具有背景噪声的语音( p = 0.046)。 结论:该研究确定了7-8岁之间的早期识字困难最大的孩子,数学上的主要困难,公立学校的早期识字的孩子以及自我管理,社会情感和接受语言领域的更高困难在私立学校。



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