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Reflective Thinking: An Analysis of Students’ Reflections in Their Learning about Computers in Education




This study aims to examine reflective capacity among students when learning about computers in education. The study involved 35 e-portfolios written by first-year students who enrolled on the Computers in Education course in the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. All the students taking this course were required to publish “reflections” based on their weekly learning activities via individual e-portfolios. Thematic analysis was done using Nvivo 10 software to categorize the content of the students’ reflections. The analysis reveals that a large percentage of the “reflections” were non-reflective rather than reflective actions. This finding has implications for the way the course is designed, requiring a supportive environment, mentoring and group discussions, as reflective thinking is not spontaneous, but should be deliberately stimulated by the educational context.
机译:这项研究旨在检验学生在学习计算机方面的反思能力。该研究涉及35个由大一学生编写的电子作品集,这些学生参加了马来西亚Kebangsaan大学教育学院的计算机教育课程。所有参加本课程的学生都必须通过个人电子档案,根据他们每周的学习活动发表“反思”。使用Nvivo 10软件对学生进行了主题分析,以对学生思考的内容进行分类。分析表明,很大一部分“反射”是非反射性的而不是反射性的行为。这一发现对课程的设计方式有影响,需要一个支持性的环境,指导和小组讨论,因为反思性思维不是自发的,而是应受教育背景的有意激发。



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