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UNIPLAC’s Scientific Exhibition: 18 Years of History




This study was developed at Universidade do Planalto Catarinense—UNIPLAC, an university established since 1954, located in the city of Lages State of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. The city of Lages has approximately 160,000 inhabitants. In 1997, the Planalto Catarinense University (UNIPLAC) created the Scientific Exhibition (Mostra Científica), intended to disclose scientific works brought about by their faculty, researchers and students. The goal is to identify UNIPLAC’s scientific output from 1997 to 2012 in the Scientific Exhibition. A survey of existing reports on the exhibition was executed. 3237 scientific works have been published since the creation of the event in 1997 until 2012. Initially, the Scientific Exhibition was intended for the presentation of degree requirement works and was extended to works of research and extension developed within UNIPLAC and other institutions. There was a considerable increase in the number of works presented along the years of Scientific Exhibition, and therefore there was also a greater integration between the university and the community. The exhibition motivates students to submit their ideas, writings and findings. The young scholar shows greater motivation towards his studies. Academic exchange operates in several ways: between teachers and students of an institution and towards colleagues from other institutions. The scientific and technological advancements of a nation depend on the quality of its researchers, on the awareness of its science and the interaction between industry and science.
机译:这项研究是在Uniplanac的Planalto Catarinense大学开发的,UNIPLAC是一所自1954年成立的大学,位于巴西南部圣卡塔琳娜州拉格市。拉格市大约有16万居民。 1997年,Planalto Catarinense大学(UNIPLAC)创立了科学展览会(MostraCientífica),旨在展示其教职员工,研究人员和学生带来的科学作品。目的是在科学展览会上确定UNIPLAC从1997年至2012年的科学成果。对展览的现有报告进行了调查。自1997年活动创建以来,到2012年为止已出版了3237篇科学作品。最初,科学展览旨在展示学位要求的作品,并扩展到UNIPLAC和其他机构内部开发的研究和扩展作品。随着科学展览会的开展,展出的作品数量大大增加,因此大学与社区之间的融合也越来越多。展览激励学生提出自己的想法,作品和发现。这位年轻的学者表现出更大的学习动机。学术交流以多种方式进行:一个机构的师生之间以及与其他机构的同事之间的交流。一个国家的科学技术进步取决于其研究人员的素质,对科学的认识以及工业与科学之间的相互作用。



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