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The Study of Occupational Stress and Its Relationship with Knowledge Management Based on HSE Model




The present study aimed to examine the relationship between knowledge management and stress in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. The statistical population included all faculty members (N = 376) among whom 190 individuals were selected using Morgan’s table. This study was conducted using a descriptive survey method. To collect data, two questionnaires including Knowledge Management Survey (Rafati et al., 2008) and Occupational Stress Questionnaire developed by England Institute of Health and Safety (2004) were used. These questionnaire’s reliability coefficients were 0.89 and 0.78, respectively. To analyze the obtained data, SPSS software version 18 was used. To determine the distribution of the sample, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used and to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and stress, Pearson’s correlation was applied. The results of the latter confirmed that there was a significant positive correlation between knowledge management and stress. Other words, it can be stated that enhancing knowledge management normally increased stress.
机译:本研究旨在探讨Zahedan医科大学的知识管理与压力之间的关系。统计人口包括所有教职员工(N = 376),其中使用Morgan的表格选择了190个人。这项研究是使用描述性调查方法进行的。为了收集数据,使用了两个问卷,包括知识管理调查(Rafati等人,2008)和英格兰健康与安全研究所(2004)开发的职业压力问卷。这些问卷的信度系数分别为0.89和0.78。为了分析获得的数据,使用了SPSS软件版本18。为了确定样本的分布,使用了Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验,并且为了研究知识管理和压力之间的关系,应用了Pearson的相关性。后者的结果证实,知识管理与压力之间存在显着的正相关。换句话说,可以说加强知识管理通常会增加压力。



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